Pair of Kings

6 2 0

Harry shuffled the deck of cards and pushed it across the table. "Deal," He said.

"One more hand," I agreed.

It was a way to pass the time. More importantly, it was a way to avoid talking about what happened two days ago. I deal out our two cards each and then goes the first round of bets after the blinds are placed. As much as I try, my brain wont't focus on the game long enough to keep out my thoughts.

"I've been meaning to tell you this for a while."

"Come on, Harry. Spit it out already." He takes a deep breath and looks around the room.

"You know we've always been real close friends and I feel like I can tell you anything without being judged."

"Good, bro. I would hope so."

"Which is why it's time that I tell you, I'm gay and I like you as more than just my best bro."

I burn a card then place the flop on the table. I have a pair of kings, how ironic.

"Listen man, while I won't judge you and I want you to know that I'll support you in every way I can, I don't feel the same way." I almost feel guilty for turning my best bro down. "I just don't swing that way, you know?"

After burning another card and placing the turn, I still only have a pair of kings, though I am only one away from a flush.

He looked destroyed, I'm sure he had to have had some part of him that knew it would turn out this way. I just don't want to lead him on and let him think that he has a chance.

I place the river on the table and the last round of betting begins. The card was a spade, turns out I'm not getting the flush I was hoping for. Now stuck with only a pair of kings, I sigh. I've gone too far to turn back now. "Check."

I brace myself for Harry's raise, but instead, he pats the table and returns my check. We both flip over our cards and it turns out that Harry was going for the same flush that I was and he was left with only a pair of nines.

I guess the pair of kings won.

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