Part 1

151 22 36

Word count: 1043

My teeth began chattering from the frosty weather outside, I hadn't hunted since the incident that makes my heart skip a beat every time the memory enters my mind. My world burned down yesterday. I lost the biggest part of my life. I'm too scared to go back to see if they're both really dead. I think I lost the love of my life and my best friend. I called a cab to take me home, little did I know what home meant. Memories flashed back to when my mom would tell me about the urban legend of the cab when I was little. The one that wouldn't take you where you wanted to go, but instead took you where you needed to go. I thought it wasn't real. Until the night I stepped into that cab. The moonlight cab.

2 weeks earlier.

Dean. His green eyes were cold, lifeless and full of anger while he was yelling at me;

"What the hell were you thinking Melody, are you out of your mind?" his glare was fixed on the cut on my arm that was bleeding through the rag.

" I have been an independent hunter all my life, I don't need to go on hunts with you, I can go alone!" I yelled back getting ready to return to the cemetery.

"Where do you think you're going, Mel?" His eyes meeting mine.

"Out, I don't need a babysitter! I'm an adult now, let me leave!" I screamed and without turning back, slammed the door behind me.

 Rain poured down on my head.  I ran to get inside the black Impala that was in need of a deep cleaning and drove to the cemetery. Bon Jovi blasted through the speakers as I sang as loud as I could to get my mind off of our fight. Yes, it was small, but he's right, I never go off alone. It's not like me at all. My arm almost stopped bleeding, but I had to stop the car to change the rag since it was soaked in my crimson red blood. I tried not to yelp in pain as I carefully removed the rag, but suddenly I couldn't help it. A single tear rolled down my cheek from the pain, nevertheless if  I had to get through to salt and burn the damn ghost that did this to me. I didn't show Dean what the ghost did to me and bruises on my back from being thrown against a tree. He didn't need to know that though. All he needs to know is that I don't need him to watch my back all the time... I forgot how long the car ride to the cemetery was, the important thing was salting and burning the ghost that murdered the little girl. I was very close to the girl as I tutored her since she was 5.  I knew something was going to happen, yet I didn't do anything. I could've saved her life. I always told her that she should see the good in everybody, maybe they aren't beautiful on the outside, but the inside counts too.  She must've taken my advice too much to heart and gotten killed. The thought lingered in my head. It was all because of me.  Claire was the little girl who was my friend Jo's sister.  She didn't deserve to die, and I know in the Winchester business you shouldn't get revenge to feel better, but that's all I'm feeling right now. Revenge was the only thing that was keeping the adrenaline and anger within me. I had to get rid of that ghost, for Jo, and Claire. 

Finally, after the 2-hour drive, I arrived at the cemetery. The only problem was remembering where the ghost's body was buried.  Last time I encountered the ghost it attacked me and in the chaos, the location completely slipped out of my mind.

" Aurabelle Ellis", I muttered to myself, trying to find her grave. She was murdered as a child and wanted other children to feel the same experience. That is what vengeful spirits tend to do.  I felt bad for her, of course, being murdered as a child would obviously make anyone want to make someone feel the same. However, that still doesn't mean that she should stay a vengeful spirit, I would rather put her to rest.

"Where the hell is her grave?" I muttered to myself. I looked around but had no clue where it was. Finally. I noticed an Osiria rose growing, while everything else around it was dead, including the people. I recognized that rose from earlier that day, It was where Aurabelle's grave was. I noticed that the name was worn off on the gravestone. I also realized that the flower was the only thing that had color. Before I knew it I was digging up her grave. My arms started to get tired so I took a break from shoveling. I heard a loud crunching noise and I thought maybe Sam is checking in on me. Maybe Dean had informed him on what had happened. I turned around and to my surprise, Aurabelle was standing right there.

"Leave me alone! I just want kids to feel the same!" She yelled at me in a powerful tone for a child. I ignored her and started digging faster and with more force until she flung me into a tree.

I screamed in pain and began crying. Obviously, the two people I care about most decided to show up and saved my ass. Sam and Dean began to try and fight Aurabelle, but she was the first vengeful spirit that we had encountered that was too powerful for us. She threw Dean and Sam across the ground and touched them both with her bare hands. They both closed their eyes and looked as if they were dying.

"Sam!!! DEAN!  No! please don't hurt them, leave them the hell alone Aurabelle!" I attempted to yell. However, in my state of fear, my voice shrank to a bare whisper.

"You are trying to hurt me so I will hurt you back," Aurabelle said with a sly smile

Sam and Dean were dead, Because of me. Just like Claire...

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