Part 7

45 10 6

Word count: 1154

Finally, I could get out of this hell hole that they call a hospital.  I tried to fight the tears, but I just gave in, I wasn't strong enough anymore, I was never strong enough for anything.I hated to cry I thought it was showing weakness. I changed out of the nasty gown that the hospital had given me back into the clothes that I had found comfort in. I pulled out the ripped jeans, white tank top and my favorite black leather jacket from the bag they had handed me and realized that they had cleaned my clothes, leaving my once bloody tank top white again. I took the roses from my nightstand, I had put them in my bag, knowing that they would die soon but not caring, it showed that someone out there still had somewhat of a care for me. I took the pills that the nurse handed me earlier and swallowed them down with a swig of water. She said they would keep my blood pressure stable, but how could anyone in my place have steady blood pressure. I grabbed the giant bear from the chair and sat down for a second. I couldn't help but notice how uncomfortable the chair was, however, I couldn't care at that moment. I just needed to know that no matter what I would try to stay strong, I reassured myself that everything would be okay, slowly getting back up. I picked up the note off of the bed and carefully stashed it in my pocket, knowing that it would be by my side comforted me and for some reason made me feel so much safer than I had earlier. I made sure hadn't left any of my belongings and left the hospital. Finally out of there, being able to take care of myself again. I reached into the left pocket of my jacket bringing out my earbuds and phone. 26% wasn't the best kind of battery power but I would make do until I made it to a motel.

I searched around the parking lot, looking for a car that I liked to hotwire and I couldn't take my eyes off of the 1969 cherry red ford mustang, Dean had taught me a thing or two about cars and though she was nothing like baby it was a nice car, one that I could make do with until I got back on my own feet. I hope the owner realizes what they had lost because the had not taken care of it very well, I was used to having the job of cleaning baby at least once a month, we all had to take turns. I got in since the owner was dumb enough to leave the doors unlocked and hot-wired it as fast as I could and before I had it I was driving, I had no clue where but I just needed to go a few towns over, get some new clothes and stay at a motel for a while. I began driving and when I came across a red light searched the glove compartment for a charger and I was just my luck when i found one and could finally charge my phone. While it was charging I finally found a radio station that played some classic rock, and before I knew it Bon Jovi came on and calmed me from all the thoughts that were overwhelming, I sang as loud as I could not a care in the world that people were staring just for once caring about my well being. I drove for hours till I came across a small mall and bought some new clothes, I had a few more pairs f jeans, some new flannels, a few tank tops and a clean new pair of leather boots. There was no way I was getting rid of my leather jacket, it was the one thing that reminded me of my best memories, the ones that would never fail me and would always make me smile. 

"Dean what the hell are you doing, you know exactly how much I really hate surprises and it makes it so much worse if I'm blindfolded" I exclaimed, but I couldn't help but giggle. The adrenaline was pumping through me and I was rather excited even though there was a hint of annoyance, it was true I hated surprises, but for some reason having Dean by my side didn't make it so bad.

"Calm down Melody, you're going to love this one, it's your birthday, have a little fun" He replied and I eagerly began to wonder what was under his sleeve. Before I knew it he had taken off the blindfold and handed me a rather big box, a smile crept up my face and reached my eyes, he gave me a slight nod, allowing me to open it, I hadn't noticed Sam in the background. He looked just as surprised as I did so that made me feel slightly better. I looked back down and slowly opened the box, I was neatly packed so I knew that Dean couldn't have packed it, but I didn't care, at least he had thought to get me something. I slipped the top off the box once all the wrapping paper was off and I couldn't believe my eyes, he shouldn't have done this for me.

"Dean! You didn't have to do this for me." I glanced at the black leather jacket, it had deep pockets and fit me perfectly, I loved it so much, he had really thought of me when choosing it, he knew how much I was longing for a new leather jacket since my old one got ruined. 

"of course I did, it's your birthday and it fits you perfectly, Mel you look great." He looked at me grinning, he saw how much this meant to me and before I what I had done. I had jumped into his arms, crying.

"Thank you so much, Dean, this means so much to me." The tears wouldn't stop rolling down my cheeks and Dean pulled me back out of the hug and put me down.

"Don't cry, i knew how much you needed one and it gave me an excuse to see your smile" He stared at me for a minute and his forest green eyes had hypnotized me, we had only been together for 6 months but I couldn't help myself and before I knew it I blurted out the four words ... the only words that I was longing, willing to say.

"I love you Dean Winchester" He couldn't stop looking at me at that point and i could feel his grin getting bigger if that was even possible.

"I love you too"

Before I knew it the flashback was over, and soon there was a smile on my face, for once I had smiled, it wasn't one of the fake smiles that I had been flashing to people, it was real. I finally felt like I was me again.

The Moonlight cabHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin