Part 6

46 11 6

Word count: 1029

I sat down slowly on my bed. Did I want to know what was written in that note? The red envelope had my name written in the nicest cursive I had ever seen, it was cover in little hearts and my bed was covered in the rose petals from the flowers, I couldn't help but let my cheeks turn a bright pink color and smiled. Did I have the guts to open that letter? The suspense was killing me, I wanted to read it, yet I didn't.  What the hell should I do? 

My hands began to shape as I held the red envelope, looking at the cursive sent shivers down my spine. I was not ready for this. I deeply breathed in and began to tear the crimson red paper to pieces, the pieces flaked off my hands into my lap and I slid out the note. It was perfectly folded in half and I began to open the small piece of paper that fits in my hand perfectly. The handwriting was in messy cursive, who was this from?

Melody Rose Winchester

I know you were never fully a Winchester, but I saw you that way. I'm so sorry that I can't see you. I miss you. A lot. I'm protecting you though, she said if I tried to see you that she would hurt you, really bad. I can't have that happen. Not to you. I know you're hurting, really bad, and I wish you weren't. I really do. I'm very worried about you, but you have to stay strong. I need you to carry on with your life like nothing ever happened, and you're going to think that I a jerk for saying that, but you need to get over them. I need you to be yourself this whole time, never change who you are because of what happened. Be careful out here on your own. I want you to always stay safe, no matter what. Never just go off on your own, please. I hope that you get out of the hospital soon and keep travelling till you get where you need to go. I hope you like the roses that I picked out for you and the giant teddy bear, I didn't want you to be lonely and it's huge so at least you have something by your side now. I love you so damn much and wish I could see you, but I can't let you be hurt by her. Just stay safe, promise me that. If I think that you need anything, I will leave it there for you wherever you are. You will never have anything you don't need, because in one way or another I am by your side, just enough so that she won't hurt you. Once again I love you so so much.


Wow. I couldn't believe what they just said, who is that from? I was speechless. And who do they think they are? That's so selfish and ignorant of them to say, to talk about my family like that. Sam and Dean were m family and whoever wrote that note needed to understand that. Damn it hurt. All that they said was painful on so many levels and they just couldn't seem to get that. To get how much pain their deaths caused me. A teardrop fell down onto the paper and more and more kept coming. The words on the note began to smudge away from the tears that had dropped there. I was emotionally empty,  I felt as though without them I had no existence because they were all I had, they really knew me, they knew everything about me. Now I don't have someone like that, people I could vent to and that was just gone now, everything I had worked for, working to become a good hunter with a good family disappeared when I became selfish and just ran off.  If I hadn't done that they would still be alive right now, I would still family, but this always happens when people are selfish. Every single time that things like this happen, the person who was selfish that lost the people that they loved. And of course it had to happen to me, finally when things were going well it had to happen. I, of course, blamed myself for it all because I truly thought that it was my fault, at least part of it was. If they hadn't come after me and if I hadn't left they wouldn't have died that night. It pained me to think that it was my fault, but I had to take responsibility for what I had done, and that's okay because eventually I had to own up to it, I had to accept it sooner or later and even though it pained my one day or another it needed to be accepted. My tears ran dry now, there was nothing else for me to cry out, I couldn't.  It hurt s bad that I felt numb. Like I had no more life left in me. I was drained. I couldn't feel anything anymore, the pain created a drug like feeling, I felt as though I was falling, and that I would never reach the end. That's what all of this made me feel. I had to get myself together, I couldn't fall apart again, not now. I had to be strong, like the letter told me to. I needed to hold my head high. I moved the letter away on to the chair along with the roses. I kept the bear by my side, I knew that it would keep me going in some way, maybe it would help me become stronger because finally I had something that stood by me.

"Melody Rose?" I short girl questioned, she had a chart in her hand so I assumed she was my nurse.

"That's me" I replied, my voice groggy. I tried to get up but was pushed lightly back down to the bed by the nurse.

"Take it easy,  you are fine, your blood pressure was too high, try not to do stressful things, take some time off work, but you're clear. You may gather your things and leave when you're ready.

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