Mated with a Rebel

17 0 0

I'm 17 years old I get good grades in school but there was a big secret that never told me until my 18th Birthday which is just around the corner. My name is Rima just like any other morning I was a little bit late for school okay scratch that whole thing there would be a few days in the week where I would be late or I'm just making it into class.

"Rima baby. You need to eat something hunny." Nadia said to me as I was trying to make my way out the door, "Mama. I eat at school, and I got no time to eat here. I'll talk to you when get home from school." I said making a rush up to my loving mother to give her a kiss on the cheek, and from behind I heard a chuckle. It was my father Dylan Wright; a well respected man in the business world but when he's home with us he can be a bag of lazy bones. "Rima." he said catching me by my wrist and spinning me around almost dancing with me he did this almost every morning, well when he or I weren't rushing out of here. I would be so lucky to have him drive me to school sometimes, and as soon I stepped out of his car boys would surround me asking me if I wanted to go on a date with them but all my dad had to do was give the stink eye and they would run like a puppy with its' tail in between its leg.

"Princess what's the rush this morning?" he asked me giving me a kiss on the forehead, "Dad... I have an exam this morning. I am going to have to go to college just like you and mom did. Oh my gosh if I don't get to school in 20 minutes the teacher will fail me." Rima said standing on her tip toes to give her father a kiss on his cheek. "Why would the teacher fail you?" Dylan asked Rima, "That's because the teacher is a douche and no one likes him. He never passes anyone well not with A's or A+. He wants to make it hard for everyone." Rima said drinking a glass of water on the table and then a glass of orange juice. "Give me 5 minutes to throw something on and I will drive you." Dylan said pulling in his wife for a kiss. "Oh please when I say this get a room." Rima said and she saw a smile on both of their faces.

As promised my dad was down before I knew and I made it to school with some time to spare but I take this time to brush up on the materials for the Exam. "Hey bookworm!" Brad Stone; my high schools MVP football player and asshole. Words spreads like wildfire and what spreading now is he's hit on almost every girl in the school but me but Penny. His Girlfriend and school's prom queen and main cheerleader wouldn't like it, "What do you want Brad. As you can see I'm busy." I said to him not in the mood for his bullshit this not and so close to graduation too.

"No need to get touchy Bookworm. Do my homework for me." he said tossing his book bag towards me. I just glared at the boy, I've been in school with this boy since daycare. Out of all the time I want to kill him I can't I always get the gut feeling that something would happen that I wouldn't be able to control. "I'm not doing your homework ass-hat. Do it for yourself." I picked up his bag and tossed it back to him earning me a glare back he never did scare me even with all the mean tricks he pulled on me.

I've always found a way to get back at him but it would be the day that I get the ultimate payback and I can't wait till that day.

Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong.

Great that's the sound of the bell going off to tell us to get to class. I gathered my books and my bag tossing it over my shoulder and heading towards the doors of the school. Only a week left and then school is out and I get to go to college and get away from Brad Stone and this High school Drama. I could feel his eyes on my back like he did every morning and I don't let it get to me anymore, when school lets out for summer that means I can relax for a change. There are only two people that I trust with my life; Kayla and Taya. They were both around my age and we've been friends since we had to work on a school project freshmen year we had more in common then what we thought, if we ever had problems we could always talk to each other about them. "Rima. You ready for this?" Taya asked me as she was the first one in the door with her textbook open and ready to go before she could turn the page of her book there was an elderly man walking towards us with a ruler in his hand. "I thought I said no textbook for the exam!" the man said as he slapped the ruler down on her textbook grabbing everyone's' attention. That is why no one like this man; Mr. Ryan Stone. 'yes Stone. As in Brad Stone's father. This man was a veteran who fought to give us freedom but there are time when I seriously think that the power goes straight to his head.'

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