The Truth.

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Rima's POV

My so-called best friends were being so quiet and distant from me. Since the whole thing with the principal, they've kept to themselves and didn't let me in on what was going on Kayla said they were going to explain to me what the hell was going on but I wanted to know now what was the big secret. I finally made it to the end of the day and we all went to my place and as soon as we stepped in the door my parents were there with the look of worry on their face, "Mom and Dad. Is everything okay?" I asked them and they gave each other a look which I wasn't picking up my dad took a breathe "There was something your mother and I have been meaning to tell you Rima. It's nothing bad I promise." Dylan said walking up to his daughter giving her a hug before backing up, "Sorry dad can this wait. Kayla and Taya need to explain something to me." I said to my father but he spoke up, "I know what they are going to tell you honey. or try to tell you." he said and I stopped dead in my tracks before I made another step, I turned to face the man that was my father. "What do you mean you know? Explain what?" I asked glaring at my parents and my friends.

"Sweet Heart... We are werewolves." my mother said still with the look of worry on her face. "haha mom. Werewolves don't exist, this is crazy talk. This is one sick joke this is a joke right?" I asked and looked around but no one laughed. "They do exist sweetie and we've been meaning to tell you. we were going to tell you the day of your 18th birthday but a reason came up sooner to tell you." Nadia said holding both hands close to her chest. The way my mom looked at me I could tell that she wasn't kidding around either of them were. "No. This is madness. they don't exist mom! You read about werewolves in books you watch them in movies and not in real life." I said holding both hands to my head in confusion, "I'll show you." Dylan said "Wolf out." as he said those word a large dog, bigger than the pet dog I had when I was younger stood by my father. Horror crawled my face wanting to run out of the house but deep down I've seen it before. "Hello Rima." the wolf spoke... "You can talk? You're a big ass wolf and you can talk?" my jaw just dropped in amazement.

"Rima this is my inner wolf, Ian." Dylan said I shook my head in a daze. "Wait you have different names. how is that possible?" Rima asked her father, but Ian got up and walked towards her sitting on his back legs looking at her with honest blue eyes totally different than her father's green eyes. "I have been with your father for years ever since you were a pup. When you were 16 you had an accident that made you lose some of your memories, knowing that I couldn't protect you that day stung." Ian said as he had sad eyes and then I heard everyone say 'Wolf out' and they all had their own wolves come out and join the party. Having Ian come out and to was shock enough but three more of them?

"Great. There's more of them. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the one giant wolf in the living room. Now there's  four of you. What did you say since I was 16? I remember a little bit what happened that day but the rest is fuzzy." I said to all of them not know who to turn my head to.

"Rima. My name is Flora, I'm  your mother's inner wolf and the two next to are Trisha and Kim. They're your friend's inner wolves. Even though they were enormous they bowed at me, it's weird. "We're sorry we couldn't tell you tell you any of this sooner. We wanted to but we made a vow to your father to keep quiet." Kim said and I looked at my dad, "You're telling you told them to keep quiet about this whole thing?" My voice rose up a little bit and my family knew that when I sounded like that I was Furious they kept this from me all this time and all the sudden now they want to tell me this? I can look at them no more I just stood there in awe and then I made a b-line to my room and slam the door.

Werewolves don't exist this is all just a dream. One hell of a crazy dream and the next morning this is all going to go away it's all going to go away please let it go away. But reality hit me and there was a knock on my door and by the sounds of that knock, it was my dad's knock what would he have to tell me now? what's next? I didn't speak up cuz I don't want to talk to him he said hi to me and he kept this whole thing the biggest secret of my life quiet and he expects me to listen to her no it doesn't work that way.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2018 ⏰

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