Part 17, Winner Takes It All

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Ariana P.O.V

Today we are up against Elite dance studios. They won last year. I get up and have a shower. Then I eat some toast and milk whilst going on my social media. On twitter I tweet 'finals day today !!' and immediatley people are liking and commenting good lucks. Then I see that Starr Kiely and Whitney Kiely have started following me on all my social media, so I follow them back. When I finish eating, me and the other girls go to the dressing room to get our hair and make up done. They make us all look even more beautiful then we already are. Then we all get into our coustumes, and we have 1 hour to rehearse on stage in our costumes. The rehearsal goes well.

Perri P.O.V

To be honest I really just want this to be done with, as much as I love dancing, I just want o be with Ari at tonights party. I hope we win though...

Ashley P.O.V

This is a big deal...this is what we have been working for, this is what it all comes down too.

Mitchell P.O.V

We have all worked so hard...It can't be for nothing...

Chloe P.O.V

I am nervous, this is my first dance since my knee cracked.. I am a bit scared, I was marking it in rehearsals, but when there are judges watching you, you can't do that. Then I remember Ariana is there for me.

Ariana P.O.V

I walk Chloe over to music room 3, which has a ballet bar in it. I give Chloe some basic moves to get her used to putting pressure on her knee, lucky for her, this dance was quite simple, so the chances of it affecting her knee are very low.

Before we know, it is showtime. We are peforming the best till last I guess. Elite is actually AMAZING! They set the standards high, but I am still confident in our routine. We take the stage, and the routine goes perfect.

Chloe P.O.V

I am so glad...I didn't injure myself in the dance, I was so worried I was going to mess everything up.

We stand in a row, me next to Perri, all holding hands, as Elite comes on and does the same. Then the judges come inbetween the two teams. Ms.Kate is on the sidelines. Then the judge says "And the winner, of the 10th regionals championships is...

Perri P.O.V

I can't believe it! WE WON!! We all started jumping up and down, screaming crying. This was a huge deal. I run to Ariana and she jumps into my arms. I spin her around and we kiss on the lips.

Ms.Kate P.O.V

I am so glad, they deserve this.

Ariana P.O.V

I hold the trophy with Ashley, the audience are all cheering for us.

We have all changed back to our ordinary clothes now. I am so happy. Now it is time to party!

Ashley P.O.V

They really went all out for this party...and there was a dance ofcourse we had to bust some of our moves... we were the regionals chapions after all!

Lola P.O.V

Right, everyone is already down at the party. But I need to work on my look . Shower? done. Shave? done. Moisturise? done. Nails? done. Makeup? done. Now hair. I get an idea. I dig around under blondies bed...aha. Hair extensions. Perfect. Now for my outfit. I pick out the shortest black dress showing a lot of cleavage and making my bum look bigger. I wear black high heels and step into the party. I expected everyone to turn and look at me like in all the movies, no one does, but it dosen't matter because there is only one man I want to impress, and he has a big afro and glasses. I spot him in the corner all alone. Perfect! "Hey Perri" I say. "Um..Hi" he says. I shove his shoulder "oh stop acting, I know you like me" I say. He looks really shocked. "Wow, I actually don't i'm sorry"

Perri P.O.V

I am completely shocked that Lola thinks I like her...what??? I love Ariana. That is that. But she won't stop flirting with me. She is twirling her hair and everything. I look around desperatley for Ariana, and I see her over with some girls, so I quickly run over to my boys, Joey Essex is at the party so I hang with him. He knows about Ariana, so I tell him about Lola too, he agrees she is mad. I spot Ari again, alone so I go up to her. We talk and dance together all evening. Then, when everyone is high and drunk and kissing and dancing, we go to a little corner, and we kiss. It is magical. It is passionate. It is perfect. We kiss for about 3 minutes. I want more of her. I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer to me, and she puts both her arms around my neck. I even hear some paparazzi taking photos of us, but I don't care, let them tell the world.

Lola P.O.V

I can't believe what I am seeing right now. Ariana. Perri. Kissing. AGAIN. Ughh!!! This clearly means they are in a relationship. Me and Arianas friendship is completely over. I'm done.

Chloe P.O.V

I go up to Lola, and she rants in anger about Perri and Ariana. I tell her they are clearly meant for eachother, they are obsessed with one another. She is very angry. That is when I say "I guess.. the winer takes it all". "What do you mean bu that?" she shouts. "I mean the kind one, the helpful one, the talented one... is the winner, and Ariana is thenkind one, she helped me after I was so rude to her. Ariana is the helpful one, she is always willing to do something to help others, and Ariana is the talented one, take her solo for instance, we wouldn't be winning the finals without her. And so she is the winner, and the winner takes it all" I explain. Then I put my arm around her. "Whoever is meant for you will be yours" I say. Then I hug her.

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