Chappie 2

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(Warning this chappie has inappropriate stuff)
Authors note:
I ❤️this song and it's dramatic so I thought it would fit with the chappie
I felt a peck on my cheek and it was Joel.
Joel's POV
I pecked Lizzie on the cheek. Why'd I do that? But then I felt a push onto my lips and it was Lizzie. I had to think fast so I took control. I picked her up slightly and laid her down on her bed and took off her crop top. it laid on the floor along with my shirt. I moved down her neck and then back up to lips.(I feel very uncomfortable writing this so it's ending)
Time skip to the next morning...
lizzies POV
I woke up with Joel holding me. I awake him getting up but he just lays with his arms spread out. I laugh and he did too,he grunted then got up and got on sweat pants and a old t-shirt and I just put on one of his shirts. The was a nock at the old hotel door  and it was yammy and she said she's gathering up the group with the pixel pact too for some news I said,"When?" Trying to keep my eyes open,"Right now silly!" She said and giggled,"let me get coffee and get ready I'll tell Joel to get ready for the day." I said,"You can come in and watch tv?" I offered trying to be generous,"Ok! I have the pixel pact,oil,Scott,tiffy ,red, of corse kyle ,all we need is you two!" She said,"ok you all can watch tv. I walk out of the doorway and everyone storms in. I hear red yell,"I call dibs on the remote!" Then tiffs said,"No me!" She yelled back,"fine,go ahead" red replied with. I giggled to find Joel behind me. He kissed me on the head, I topped him off by kissing him on the lips. It wasn't a ordinary kiss, it was a little more. He then pushed me into the door and everyone stared we let go of the kiss and I yelled,"He pushed me!" He replied with,"She kissed me!" We then started a baby fight. Basically when you just flap your hands up and down at the other person. Everyone just laughed their heads off. I gotta admit it was pretty funny. After we just laughed. Then yammy got us when we were ready. She then told the news,"guys me and Kyle have something very important to tell you. Kyle go ahead" she said "what!?!?!?!" Kyle said,"fine I'm" then Kyle and yammy said the last word together before I broke into tears of joy,"she's pregnant! I'm pregnant!" They both said at the same time. Like I said earlier I broke into tears of joy. Joel pecked my cheek and whispered in my ear,"you have the tests right?" He whispered,"I do" I whispered back,"go take I-" at that moment I puked all over the floor. Joel picked me up and took me to the bathroom. Then asked yammy to tie up my hair. The first thought that flew into my brain was that I was pregnant. Because I don't drink,and I don't think I'm sick. I asked yammy to get out along with Joel after we finished cleaning up. I took the's positive I might scream! And too late I screamed. Yammy and Joel along with Tiffany came in. They all saw me standing with the test in my hand,in shock Joel told the girls not to look and saw the test. His jaw dropped. He had excitement in his eyes. He turned to me and kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear,"We can handle this" he said," so that's a pregnancy test, did you scream because it wasn't positive or positive?" Tiffy asked,"yes its positive. But don't tell anyone I wanna tell it as a surprise to the group and in a stream on my channel to confirm it. I'll probably announce it three months in when my fans are questioning my stomach becoming large." I said and even showed the test as proof. Joel kissed me and held onto me in a hug for like a good ten seconds.

To be continued..............

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