The end

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Jake's pov

I waited for jazz by the school. Where he ran to me. The look of needing to tell in his eyes. He jumped into my arms and I held him close. He started balling into my shoulder so I took him somewhere we'd be alone. And he told me.. He told me he was in loe with Jess and how they had sex. It broke my heart. It really did. But was broke my heart more. Is they walked around holding hands after that. Until graduation they were proudly dating.

Jess's pov

Jazz and I gladly graduated highschool and dad near about us. He didn't care honestly. He didn't like it but didn't stop it. We had to walk home that day. Because we didn't go home after. We did a few things at school. Mostly made out. But as we were walking I didn't see a car coming... I walked into the street and all slowly went dark. Faint sounds of ambulance. Jazz trying to wake me up. Kissing me then. Nothing. Dead

Jazz's pov.

"Jess! Jess please!" I screamed shaking kissing him.the paramedics putting him in a body bag. Tears filling my eyes feeling my dad come up and hold me. I kept crying hugging him as we got on his car. Jess and I were supposed to go to college together. He'd moved all my stuf into his room cause we were sharing.. He even bought me a new lizard.. But now... He's dead. My twin. My boyfriend. He's dead.

_________________________________________________________________________________A-N: okay this isn't the end of all of the story. If I get at least 20 votes or so. I'll continue an maybe. Just maybe bring Jess back. I've got ideas. Especially for the new story. Cause I'm making a new story too

Im gay for my twin?!(boyxboy)(part 1 of the series)Where stories live. Discover now