The New Rabbit

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When Joyce heard about the new rabbit, she knew she had to go and see her. When everyone was in bed, she tiptoed to Larry's cage and found another wooden cage adjacent to the lounge.

"Hello, Joyce! Larry chirped, slapping the cages with his furry paws. "Do me a favour and get me out of this cage."

"Hang on!" Joyce crawled down on her hands and knees and then set him free.

Larry jumped out of his hut. "Thanks for that, can you let my girlfriend out a well?"

"I'm not your girlfriend," Coco snapped. "We've only just met."

Joyce opened Coco's cage too as she observed her surroundings and hopped by Joyce's shoes.

"So you're Coco? Aren't you a lovely rabbit!"

"Yes," Larry said. "She is indeed."

"You're going to have to do more than that to impress me." Coco turned away from Larry.

"So Joyce..." Larry ran on the red leather sofa by the window, transforming into a wolf in the process. "Have you made any new friends lately?"

"I've been reunited with some school friends."

"That's nice." Larry appeared to be more content compared to how he was the last time she spoke to him. One would think that Larry had lost half his age. "Who are these friends?"

"Dorothy Milkman, Victoria Knight and Rodger Bentley."

"I know them," Larry said. "That's Rodger was a pain when he first moved in. He was always trying to cut my tail off."

Coco sighed. "You're too soft, Larry. You need to use your wolf form more often."

"Are you a werewolf too?" Joyce asked Coco.

Coco nodded and her fluffiness melted away to reveal a silver vixen. "We can't turn into humans," she explained, "because our families had a vegan diet and cross-bred, it altered our genes."

Joyce sat down. "I'm confused."

"I'm not," Larry bounced all over the lounge as the TV rumbled around the stand. "I finally know why I am the way I am. I don't feel alone because I've always got you two."

"And the fairies."

"The fairies never speak to me that much," Larry sighed. He plunked himself against the fireplace.

"I don't think you're missing out," Coco said. "Some of those fairies are pretty nasty. But they are a lot of fairies from other countries flocking to Britain at the moment."

"Most of the fairies I've met are lovely." Joyce couldn't grasp the concept of fairies being evil. She knew that Fore was annoying, but she wouldn't consider the idiot evil.

"They're so annoying," Coco growled. "The way they trample on everything as if they own the place. The way they steal food and give this cheeky smile before they go."

"It's only a minority," Larry insisted. He rushed towards his crush. "Most of them are quite friendly."

"You've just said that they hardly talk to you."

"I know, but I believe in what Joyce is saying. I mean, I was sceptical at first."

"Hello!" Along came Emily buzzing straight towards Joyce.

"Get away from me! Coco snarled, leaping over to flick Emily's leg with her nails.

Emily screamed and crashed into Joyce's glasses, causing them both to jump. Emily glared at Coco. "There was no need for that!"

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