Reunion - 8

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It was getting dark in the arena. Nobody had died today. As the sun set behind the rolling hills, the stars starting to twinkle in the sky between the clouds, the eight remaining tributes began to settle down for the night.

All except one.

Sebastian was ready to go. He'd spent all last night and all day crouched in the thorn bushes, playing chess with himself in his mind and cat-napping. Klaus hadn't moved, although he'd occasionally spoken to himself. He wasn't close enough to hear what he was saying, but it probably didn't matter anyway. He could understand talking to yourself; there wasn't much else to do for minds less developed than his. 

He waited until Klaus was asleep.

This took longer than he'd expected. The moon was well up before Klaus stopped moving around, and even then he decided to give it another half hour, just to make sure. It was starting to rain again, huge droplets plopping down on the already slightly damp ground, making small splashing noises. His stomach rumbled. He could eat afterwards.

All the more reason to move now, then.

He slid out of the bushes, catching his injured arm and wincing. He'd have to ask his sponsors for a medicine or something, because now it was really starting to get in the way. Rain dropped onto his head, quickly plastering his hair to his skull. It was a good job he didn't rely on any heavy metal weapons. He wouldn't be able to keep a hold on them. The dart gun behind his ear felt comfortingly solid. The rain was refreshing and covered his footsteps. He had a good feeling about this.

The rain woke Klaus, splashing onto his forehead and making the ground around him muddy. His arms felt cold. He tipped his head back and let some of the huge drops fall into his mouth, drinking them greedily. His side was caked in mud and some of it had got into his hair. He ran a hand through it and frowned.

Someone was out there.

He could see it, a lean shadow creeping slowly towards him. The hair on the back of his neck stood up. He couldn't run away. He was a Career, and Careers never ran away. Klaus Hollasin, the last Career.

It had to be Sebastian.

Rain fell in his eyes and dripped down his nose; he wiped it away dismissively. Sebastian's sneaking around would end now. He'd taken down most of the Careers - apart from Dark, his mind reminded him - but he didn't know just what he was taking on here.

"Stop right there!" he shouted.

To his amazement, the shadow stopped and stood up straight. Even with the moon hiding away behind a cloud, Sebastian's face was pale and ghostly. Klaus grinned at him, flashing his teeth menacingly. Or at least, he hoped it looked menacing. Something was missing; where was Rian?

As if to answer the question, he appeared at the corner of his vision, his hair perfect, not wet, not muddy, in his favourite bright red shirt, as if the last three years had never happened. "I'll never leave you, little bro," he promised.

Now he was ready.

Sebastian had to fight back a grin. Klaus was obviously trying to look threatening, but it only reached his mouth. The rest of his face looked scared and his eyes were darting all over the place. He obviously thought he was brave, shouting at him. Typical Career; brawn over brains. All he'd have to do was get close enough to shoot.

He took a slow, calculated step forwards.

"I said stop!" Klaus shouted, waving the sword in front of him. It was his only weapon and there wasn't much he could do with it if he wasn't in range. And the darts' range was longer than the sword's. Klaus' voice cracked ever so slightly; he was scared. Good. This gave him the advantage. He took another few steps forwards.

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