Thanks :)

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Well, there we go! I hope you all loved following that as much as I've loved writing it for the last two months. Or nearly. I'm not sure.

Thank you for reading it, especially to anyone who didn't submit any tributes but read for the hell of it. 

Thanks to the tribute makers:

(in kind-of district order)

PonderingShadow113 - Amber Bullit and Fiona Pennyfeather (remember the teddy bear!)

XxLittleBlackStarxX - Dark Mousy, Misty Lakewater and Daisuke Niwa (and for the many awesome covers she made!)

Lancelot7777 - Tile Reserning, Crete Relling and Oak Widing (and for hating Seb more than anyone else in the world)

sweetsour3232 - Klaus Hollasin

MrsEmmettDaleCullen - Megan York

RobotsWillCry (yup, yours truly!) - Vedran Emirate, Rufus Anyright and Sebastian Nyler

IwaspromisedCake - Meridan Fall and Cherry Grieg (and for constantly PMming me her opinions instead of commenting like everyone else...:P)

StarsOfTheNightSky - Grace Collins

Olathe - Pataya Venieu and Clarence Darrow (and for loving my boy Seb perhaps more than I do! :O and standing up for him in the face of some very determined adversity - nobody in particular cough cough!)

RedTears - Taylor and Austin Biagotti (and for playing The Game with me! But of course she won't be reading this for a while...xD)

sassmax - Lizzinia Cambell and Skyler Dashton (and for being one of the few people to give me constant feedback and comment on almost every chapter!)

saucinatedapples98 - Raylum Duke and Court Reese

Very special RWC thank-yous go to:

RedTears for her amazing banners and endless patience with me harrassing her and telling her they're not right! Also for the beautiful note in Goodbye, which is hers (I just polished up the grammar! :P) ALSO (because she's been pestering me to add this for the last fifteen minutes even though she's not even at the Midway Mark yet -.-) for the trailer on the Summary and Tribute Scores. Happy now?

Lancelot7777 and Olathe simply for the argument on So Close!

Anyone who carried on reading after their tributes were dead; especially Olathe, who lost both of her tributes within six chapters and yet carried on letting me know exactly what she thought about the others! :D

Anyone else who commented, voted and generally just got involved! 


[NB, added 26th February 2014: I know this is far from my best work. Thanks for sticking with it; I hope to get around to editing it so that it makes more sense at some point in the near future!]

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