Time to go...

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The huge spaceship could be seen from miles away as it hovered two metres above the desert floor. It was majestic and a sight to behold as its coloured lights twinkled on its chrome surface. A low humming sound could be heard emanating from somewhere deep within. It was a mid afternoon deep in Texas territory and the trees painted a spectacular backdrop to the vast craft. The birds were eerily quiet, as if hypnotised by this strange and beautiful vision. In the distance, a cloud trail was quickly making its way towards it. And as if on cue, a doorway silently opened on the underside of the craft, throwing out a rich hue of lights from within. A ramp materialised from the bottom of the doorway, slanting downwards towards the dirt. Framed by the light from within stood the outline of three humans, but that was only their disguise. These space age travelling aliens had the ability to take on the form and shape of the world they were visiting but if you saw their real selfs, you would go insane with madness. A fourth smaller creature burst past the other three, ran down the ramp and was on the ground in seconds. It was highly agitated, running back and forth and waiting. Waiting for Luke...

Luke Foster had turned 17 only a couple of months ago and had been on the run now from the authorities for the past 48 hours. The giant spaceship ahead of him was his target and he punched the gas on the stolen 4 x 4.

"My god..." said Debbie, his girlfriend, her eyes as wide as saucers.

A voice called out to Luke in his mind, telling him to hurry. He glanced in his rear view mirror, saw the cloud of dust behind him and knew the authorities weren't that far behind.

"Debbie..." Luke called, looking over at his girlfriend. Her eyes were glued to the UFO. "Debbie...".

"Huh...". She slowly peeled her eyes away and looked at Luke, a vacant expression on her face.

"Listen, we won't have much time when we get there..." he said, pushing the vehicle up to 90mph, racing onwards, his hands gripping the steering wheel tight as the world flew past. He stole another quick glance in the mirror and saw the dust cloud getting nearer.

"Hurry Luke..." the voice in his head urged again. With his foot to the floor, the car roared towards Lukes destiny. The spaceship now filled the entire windscreen. Debbie turned back to the wondrous sight in front of her, her mouth going slack and drool running down her chin. Luke finally reached the craft and slammed on the brakes, swerving to a halt, kicking up a cloud of grit. He was out and running around the front of the car, yanking on the passenger door and gently taking Debbie's hand as looked back over his shoulder at the approaching storm of vehicles.

"Debbie, c'mon..." he urged.

She slowly climbed out, never taking her eyes off the enormous ship. For years, people had been raging about the existence of extraterrestrial life and now the proof was here, right in front of her eyes. It was like she was floating in a dream as Luke dragged her towards the ship until she saw the little creature about 20ft in front of her. She dug her heels in and stopped. Luke followed her eyeline and told her not to be afraid, he was there to help.

"C'mon" he said, trying to drag her.

She shook her head. "No, I can't...".

Luke stopped. "What...?".

Debbie dragged her eyes away from the creature and the spaceship and stared into Luke's eyes. "I can't go Luke...".

"What... we talked about this Debs, you know I can't stay".

"I know that, I know. But..." she looked back at the creature, "I'm scared Luke".

Luke risked another glance towards the dustcloud that was getting nearer. "Listen, you know I wouldn't let anything hurt you".

LukeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora