Meet The Author : Faizur Rahman

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An interview with Faizur Rahman, author of the fast selling, hard hitting book of poetry, titled LIFE.

His book Life, that originated on Wattpad very soon became #1 in the poetry category and stayed there for the longest time, accumulation over 36000 reads and thousands of votes.

Now we have the same book 'Life' available in print, released on the 26th September of this year. It is growing slowly but exponentially and has made over 600 sales by now.

An excerpt from his book follows.


A suitor for the night, flames arise
beneath the shimmering stars, a bunk
cushy berth, revised with husk and musk
clash of bodies, the dawn of festivity

naive touches, brimmed with desires
enriched are souls, pecks and hickeys
fingers intertwined, the beast in style
creaks and shrieks, echos in expanse

pleasure at peaks, a roller coaster ride
ecstasy engulfed, passionate and fierce
imprints of nails, carved for eternity
the world ignored, an ambience within

ravishing rage, unleashed from the cage
thrusts and bursts, a luscious welcome
grinding of flesh, the warmth cherished
squeals and purrs, replete the territory


We met with Faizur at his home and harassed him with Questions pertaining to his writing, style, and routine so that the rest of us can follow.

1. When did you first realize you wanted to be a poet? And what was the first poem you wrote?

More than calling myself a poet I would love to term myself as a writer. My first year of engineering was when I realised I wanted to be a writer but Alas! I was already 1 semester down. I don't remember the first poem I wrote but I do remember the person I wrote it for.

2. What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

Rather than going on with how usually words are put into sentences, I wanted to write it my own way. I wanted my way of writing to be different compared to how others usually write. That did take a lot of time and yes! I got my own style.

3. Where do you get your information or ideas for your poems?

I prefer writing out of life experiences. Something I've gone through, something I've experienced all along. The poems I wrote were from my life experiences.

4. What do you like to do when you're not writing?

I work as a Content Writer for YouTube Channels and an Editor for a News portal. So, taking my job into consideration, when I'm not writing I doze off.

5. What do you think makes a good poem?

Inking our entire feelings and emotions into words might be an easy task but making your reader feel through your words takes a great deal of effort. According to me, the best poem is when your words start making the reader feel engulfed in the emotions.

6. What is the most unethical practice in the publishing industry?

Post publishing support. The publishing industry I coordinated with, I did experience a lot of issues with post publishing support.

7. Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym, if so, what were they?

Yes! when I first started writing I did use a pseudonym which I use till date. "CODEY"

8. Do you think someone could be a poet if they don't feel emotions strongly?

Yes, they can be. Mostly it depends on how you bring out the feel using words, not if the poet feels or not. But without feeling something it's not an easy task to pen down words. That does take a lot of hard work.

9. How many unpublished and half-finished poems do you have?

Not many, I usually go to the next after I finish the current one irrespective of the time it takes.

10. What period of your life do you find you write about most often? (child, teenager, young adult)

I started writing when I was 17 years old. The then writing was often but not frequently. I started writing on a daily basis after I started my book "Life" in Wattpad. In a span of 6 months "Life" reached #1 for poetry in Wattpad with 36.7k reads. Which eventually lead to me publishing my book.

11. Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad reviews?

I've always received good reviews on my works, I used to search for bad reviews sometimes. The negative reviews about the work help to improve drastically. One can easily find out what their words lack, from the negative reviews. The worst part is when you feel your words lack something and you don't receive any negative reviews on your works. It has been nearly one and a half year since I started Life in Wattpad and nearly four months since I published my book. To be frank, I've received only one negative review till date.

12. Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?

My poems mostly have a hidden meaning in it. Not many have been able to unravel it. When the reader starts to relate to the words, they tend to pull out the secret.

13. What one thing would you give up to become a better poet?

I would give up anything, other than my loved ones in order to become a better poet. Writing is my passion and I am always ready for the challenges ahead in my path.

14. What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?

Inking down a word which has different meanings, yet suits my style.


Faizur has been gracious enough to join us as a part of The Hideouters journal from the next issue as a steady contributor. We welcome him with all our hearts!

- By Dhruvi Shah

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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