Ch.6- Opportunity At The Door

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Jordan began making this way to this own locker when he was stopped by a loud voice on the intercom system.

    "Will please Jordan Williams report to the main office. Again, Jordan Williams to the main office" The school secretary called over the PA system.

Turning around, Jordan headed back to the front of the school, and into the office. Once he arrived, he came face to face with a tall, bald white man, wearing a gray suit.

    "Holy shit, you're an exact copy Jordan Sr., you know just smaller." the man said with azament.

Jordan studied the man for a moment before looking to Mrs. Jackson, the school social worker, who had just stepped out of her office.

    "What's going on? Is there something wrong?" he asked a little worried.

    "I'm not sure sweetie. Mr... " The school secretary trailed off, waiting for him to fill in his name.

   "I'm sorry, what did you say your name was again?" The secretary asked, looking back at the man.

    "Carter, Mr. Carter" He told her never taking his eyes off of Jordan.

    "Ah yes. Well Jay, Mr. Carter's from Greater View High school, and they run the... what was it that you called it Mr. Carter?" Mrs. Jackson asked, turning to look back at the middle aged man.

    "The arm stretch program. If you'd like Jordan, we can sit down somewhere and talk about." Mr. Carter say hopefully.

    "Can we do that?" Jordan asked looking between Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Carter.

   "Of  course we can" Mr. Carter smiled placing a hand on Jordan's shoulder.

Mrs. Jackson then led Jordan and Mr. Carter through a door located by her desk, then down a long hallway into a large conference room. They all walked in, Mr. Carter and Jordan took seats on opposite side of the table facing one another.

    "Wow, you look exactly like your father" Mr. Carter smiled, looking at Jordan.

Being that Jordan was constantly surrounded by this mother's side of the family, he never really met people who truy knew this dad. However, over the years, through social media, he'd ran across a few of his father's cousins and some of this friends and they all had nothing but good things to say about Jordan Sr.

   "You knew my dad?" Jordan asked in amazement.

    "Yeah, we went to school together. We use to play on the same basketball team until our couch realized I was shit and kicked me off" Mr. Carter laughed as he pulled out a pen and a folder.

    "Did you know my mom too?" Jordan asked curiously.

    "I knew of her. Jordan Sr. talked about your mother a lot, but I've yet to meet her" Mr. Carter told him.

   "Well Mr. Carter, I don't know how long it's been since you've last spoken to them, but my parents died. They died quite some time ago" Jordan told him.

A look of confusion took over Mr. Carter's features for a moment before he realized it had been quite for far too long, and cleared his throat.

    "I meant on the other side. I'm very spiritual" Mr. Carter smiled.

    "Oh, okay." Jordan smiled a bit skeptical.

    "What is this arm stretch program?" Jordan asked.

Mr.Carter smiled brightly before holding up a finger and reached for his bag and pulled out a folder with the name Clinton High school written in a circle that surrounded the head of a tiger.

    "Clinton High is what I like to think of as a progressive school. We know that not everyone wants to go to college and we also know that you don't have to spend four plus extra years in college. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and so many more started college but dropped out in pursuit of their dreams. At Clinton High, we strive to give our students the best 'launchpad' as we like to call it, as possible" Mr.Carter began.

    "So how do you do that?" Jordan asked a bit intrigued.

    "Well half of the day, you spent in your regular classes; math, science, you know. Then, the other half of the day, you focus on your what we at Clinton call 'your specialty'. So for some people that's automotive, others it's cosmetology and so on and so forth." Mr. Carter explained.

        "So what does that have to do with me?" Jordan asked.

Mr. Carter opened his mouth to say something but closed it again before turning this attention to Mrs. Jackson.

    "Is there somewhere more private where we can talk?" he asked.

    "Uh, yes" she told him before leading him and Jordan back into the conference room.

There, they all sat down and Mr.Carter handed Jordan the folder.

    "Open it" Mr.Carter encouraged.

Doing as he said, Jordan opened the folder and began looking through the many things Clinton High had to offer.

    "We're a private school so we have a long of flexibility how we set up hour courses. For example-" Mr. Carter took a moment to flip through a couple of pages before arriving at a picture of a what looked to be a student laying underneath a car..

    "This is a previous student who study automotive. When working this car, you don't really need to know who all signed the Declaration of Indepence. So, our students know what to hold onto and then all the rest, they memorize it and after the test, they can forget it." Mr.Carter explained.

Mr.Carter then showed Jordan some more information about Clinton High and once he'd finished, he shut the booklet and looked at Jordan.

    "So do you think this would be something you'd be interested in?" he asked.

    "Yeah, this school sounds amazing. But-" Jordan paused for a moment looking at the cover.

    "But what?" Mr.Carter asked looking at Jordan.

    "I know my aunt and uncle won't let me go" Jordan told him a bit sad.

    "Do you think they'd be more willing to say yes if I spoke with them?" Mr.Carter asked, raising his eyebrows.

    "Probably not but it's worth a shot" Jordan shrugged.

Mr.Carter then planned to meet Jordan in the senior parking lot once school was over and Mr.Carter would take Jordan and Davyon home so he could meet and talk to both Wanda and Roy.

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