To All Bullies

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Heh. You guys think it's really great to bully someone huh? To bring them down just to make yourself feel better cause inside you're one of the most pathetic people ever existing. To pick on someone cause they're not up to you. If you do that, you are weak. Weak minded fools. Cowards.  Disgraces. Most of you may be shocked that I'm writing this. Most of you may feel hurt but guess what? I. Don't. Care. Bullying is the main reason most kids kill themselves everyday and I'm still wondering how most of you bullies go to sleep without trouble after causing the death of another child. No heart. Even if you had one, it'll be too dark to see. How can you wake up one day and decide to bully your fellow human being to make yourself feel good?! Mark my words, if I catch any of you, bullying someone else especially my friends, so help me I will make sure that will be the last person you bully. Try me and see.
And if you're being bullied and you want to talk about it, I'm here. (Don't worry, I won't be Dark and I also won't be as scary as now. I'm actually very nice but bullying my friends or anyone is a serious offence)
That's all I have to say. Dark Sonic out

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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