1st Chapter ever!

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"Omo! I'm already late!! Aish!" I got up as fast as I can because I'm already late. I have a date today with my boyfriend, Youngbae. After washing up, I put on my make up, a plain white shirt and skin-tight ripped jeans. I walked out of my room and saw Bom and TOP having breakfast. "Good morning!" TOP greeted me with a wide smile. I was about to greet him back when I tripped over something. "Why are you in such a hurry? Come and have breakfast with us, Ssantoki.." Bom said and quickly prepared another plate for me. "Oh, you don't need to set up a plate for me. As much as I want to, I can't. I'm meeting Youngbae and I'm running late!!" I answered while trying to put on my sneakers. "I'll just drop by at YG Cafe to grab a coffee. Bye!" Then I took my bag and car key with me as I walked out the door.

Good Morning! Welcome to YG Cafe!

"Two Latte Macchiato, please" I asked the guy standing behind the counter in a hurried tone. "Two Latte Macchiato, coming right up!" the guy behind the counter answered. After a few minutes, my drinks came and I quickly grabbed it and go. I opened my car and place the coffees in my mug holder, put on my seatbelt, turned on the music, and started the engine. *broooom*

As soon as I entered Lotte World's parking lot, I called Youngbae. 

"Hi babe! I'm already here. Where should I meet you?"

"Meet me at the entrance, Babe. See you!"

I parked my car took the coffee and walked towards Lotte World's entrance. I saw Youngbae standing in the middle carrying a bouquet of flowers. I waived at him and smiled from ear to ear. While walking towards him.

"Hi Babe!  Flowers for me?"

"Beautiful flowers for my ever gorgeous girlfriend! I miss you."

"Awww.. I miss you, too! And coffee for my forever hottie boyfriend!"

I gave him the coffee and he gave me this enormous bouquet of red and white roses. I was a bit shy and I can feel my blood rushing through my cheeks as  I received it. Butterflies in my tummy. Yiiiieeee!

We walked inside since Youngbae already bought the ticket for us. We took a lot of pictures and go to different rides. It was a great day for us.

After playing inside Lotte World, we decided to drive and eat at our favorite restaurant. I ordered Steak with mashed potato and a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon. "I'll have the same, without the wine, please" said Youngbae.

"So, how's our date today, my princess?"


"It was great! I had a lot of fun! I haven't been there for a loooooong time. Thank you."


"I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it. You deserve the best."

"My boyfriend is Jjang!" I said with two thumbs up and we both laughed.

His phone rang and our conversation stopped. He excused himself to answer the phone.


After eating Youngbae drove me to my apartment. I can sense that he want to say something but I did not ask him what it is. I looked at him and I can see that he's debating with himself whether to tell me or not. I know it because we've been together for 2 years now.

"Babe, I have something that I wanna tell you." he said.

"Yeah, I know that you have something to tell me because  you have been quiet for a while now. Tell me, what is it?"

"I received a call from my boss. They are transferring me to our Japan branch...."

To Be Continued...

This is my first time to write a story ever in my entire life. Sorry if the first part is not great. You can comment and tell me your opinions and suggestions for me to improve my writing. Thank you!

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