That awkward moment

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Hello to krungy2ne1

Thank you for your suggestion. I really don't know how to do the backround sounds. I think my placing is wrong.. haha Thank you Thank you!!




"Yongbae, are you serious?"

"Yes. I don't know when I'll be back.."

Yongbae just stared at the steering wheel because she can't look Dara in her eyes. Dara looked at Yongbae then looked away because she doesn't want Yongbae to see her teary eyes. She doesn't know what to say after hearing what Yongbae just said. The words "I don't know when I'll be back" keeps on echoing in her mind.

After some time, she asked Yongbae..

"What are we going to do now babe? Are we going to break up?"

Dara can't help herself and cried silently.

"Babe I have an idea.. Why don't we just continue our relationship while I'm working overseas? We can still see each other everyday through Skype and I will call you everyday to make sure you're ok. How's that?"

"Do you think it'll work? long disance relationship?"

"We can try. It's better than giving up this easily, right?"

She just stopped crying but did not respond.



I'm having a meal with Dara when suddenly my boss called me up. I excused myself and walked away while answering my phone.


Boss: Hey Yongbae, what are you doin right now?

YB: I'm currently on a date with my girlfriend. Why boss? What's up?

Boss: I'm sorry for disturbing you on your restday however, I need to tell you something important about the bar that I'm going to open next week in Japan. The General Manager got pirated by a different bar. I am assigning you as the General Manager on that branch. You have to be there before the opening.


YB: But boss...

Boss: Not But's. Get your things packed. I already booked a flight for you. I'll send you the details after this conversation. Anyway, enjoy your date with your girlfriend. *toot*

I don't what to feel after that coversation. Happy because I got promoted? Excited because I am going to work overseas? Or extremely sad because I have to leave Dara. I won't be seeing my babe for a long time.

I went back to the table trying to smile like the shocking news from my boss did not happen. 

After we eat, I sent Dara back to her apartment because she look tired. I am really bothered about the news that's why I told Dara about it. I can't look at her because I know that I will feel 100x sadder than what I am feeling right now. I decided to go for long-distance relationship. Dara did not answer.

I parked the car then opened the car door for her. I walked her up to the front door. I can hear her roommate and her roommate's boyfriend bickering from the outside.

"I guess I'll walk you up 'til here. It will be hard for me to come out from your apartment once Bom starts to talk because she can really talk all night." haha!!

"Tell me about it. My eyebags is getting worse because she stays up all night. I don't know where she got all her energy! I guess its from the corn.."

We both laughed trying to ease the awkwardness around us after the news. I handed her a small box as a gift.

"What's this?" Dara asked.

"Just open it later babe. It's too cheesy for me to say kekeke"

"Aigoo..I have the sweetest boyfriend ever!"

I hugged her then kissed her on her forehead then waived goodbye.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning at YG Cafe, Good night! Sleep early. I don't want to see your dark circles tomorrow, arasso?"

"Neee, boss Bae, see you tomorrow!"


To be Continued...


AAAAHHHH!! Sorry if there are grammar lapses. It's already 2:30am here, my brain is not cooperating. hehe You can suggest things so I can improve :) Its okay to criticize my work, I will take it as constructive criticism. :)

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