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Mist's description-
Mist is a blue-gray female arctic fox. She is a close friend of Flame and Snowdrop. She has vast knowledge of of herds and healing items. She also knows about a lot of super natural phenomena. She is also Flame and Snowdrops cousin. (The picture above is her)

  - back to reality-
Mist led the way into her den. "So your mark changed" Mist asks. "Yes, it happened in the middle of the night" Snowdrop replied. Flame was looking around the den when he spotted a rare flower. "Hey! Where did you find this." He asked.
"In the shadow forest."

-Flames thoughts-
My mother is the only fox that this flower will bloom for. She must have gone to the shadow forest.

- back to reality-
"That's where they went" Flame almost screeched to Snowdrop. Mist looked up from Snowdrops shoulder confused. "What do you mean?"
"It means that's where are parents went" Snowdrop explained. "What auntie and uncle are gone" Mist asked. Snowdrop and Flame look at her with tears in their eyes. "Well at least grandma is ok" Mist asked hopefully. Snowdrop shook her head slowly. They all started crying. After hours of crying Mist, Flame and Snowdrop headed out herbs in their mouth after their family.

- time skip (1 day) -
Snowdrop looked around the forest they entered only to find copies of her Flame and Mist.

Snowdrops journey (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now