Christmas Special part one

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Even though I don't celebrate Christmas, I'm giving you all a special chapter. 

Merry Christmas guys!


Third Person P.O.V

"GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE MONKEY!" Leo shouts as Haley runs away from him, while she's giggling like mad. Haley hides under the kitchen table under Diana's chair. 

"Oh!" Diana gasps as she feels something pull at her red pajama pants, she looks under the table to see Haley hiding behind her legs.

"Shh." Haley giggles while making the quiet sign with her finger, Diana couldn't help but smile and put her finger to her lips.

"Shh." She replied before Leo came running into the room. 

"Where.Is.That.Little.Satan.Spawn." Leo pants and Diana give a mock gasp.

"Pyrotechnímata! It's almost Christmas! No mention of Satan!" 

"Why can't I mention the fallen angel that wants to wear Sam Winchester as a suit to prom?"

"Nice reference." 

"Thank you Princess." Leo states with a fake British accent causing Haley to giggle. Leo stops and dives under the table.


"GRAB HER!" Leo screams before falling to the ground, with a bright red hand print on his cheek.

"NO!" Allison screams louder than Leo before trying to run out of the living room but was stopped when Haley managed to tackle her to the ground. Diana, who was reading on the couch, smiles at the scene and gets off the couch and exits the room.



"MOM!" Leo shouts as she enters the house with the six, Calypso, Nico, Thalia, and Rayna. 

"What happened sugar?" Tori exclaims slightly worried.

"Nothing, but NOW!" Leo cries out loudly and both Allison AND Haley jump out of no where and push her into another room.

"HOLD HER DOWN GUYS!" Leo screams before running into that room. Diana just giggles before walking up to her shared room with Leo, but not before glaring at the group left at the door.


"Perfect! Now my plan is almost complete!" Leo chuckles evilly as Haley, Tori, and Allison all stood in a row with the same ugly Christmas sweater on. 

Tori's was red and said in green "QUEEN TREE!!!" and was covered in tinsel. 

Allison's was green and said in red "COUNT TREE!!!" and was also covered in tinsel.

Haley's was a hot pink and said in white "JESTER TREE!!!" and had LED Christmas lights on the shoulders.

Well, Leo's sweater was black with a flame design on the bottom and with white it said "PRINCE TREE!!!" Which also lit up with white LED light.

And there was one more sweater left.


Diana was putting the last ornament on the tree before packing the rest of the Christmas decorations up.

"You forgot the mistletoe Princess." A voice purrs and Diana smirks.

"Maybe I did. So?" She sasses and two arms wrap around her and she chuckles.

"Look up Princess."

"Ok Pyrotechnímata." She answers before looking up to see mistletoe hanging above her head.

"You sneaky FireWork you!" She laughs before turning around to face him.

"Well pucker up Princess." He says with a smirk before she kisses him quickly. 

"Hey! To short!" Leo wines and Diana giggles.

"Give the sweater and next tine it might be longer."


"Where are they?" Calypso asks.

"Maybe we should just leave them alone." Was Percy's surprisingly smart answer and apparently the wrong answer.

"No Seaweed Brain! We need to find them so we can try to get Leo to trust us again!" Annabeth scolded, before the rest of the group (who agreed with Annabeth) walked into the living room to see Tori cuddling Haley sitting on one side of the couch and Alison sitting on the other side. Leo was laying on a chair with Diana curled up with him.

Diana was wearing a white sweater that said in black "PRINCESS TREE" and had roses on the bottom as well as yellow LED lights that lit up on her shoulders.

"Your a mean one, Mr. Grinch!" They all sung along with the movie.

Percy just started to sing along with them, and ya know what?

Leo and his family didn't mind.

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