Annual business function

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Hi 😊.

It is the 26th July a big hall is shown

It is the 26th July a big hall is shown

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All famous businessman n woman arrived from all over the country

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All famous businessman n woman arrived from all over the country.

The host of the function was the former award winner Mr. Rajat Rathor he is 32 years old very ambitious n single.  (sorry couldn't think of someone else)

  (sorry couldn't think of someone else)

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All were entering the hall. All were taken to their seats.

It is not unusual that the host prepare a fixed seating plan to avoid misunderstandings n wasting of precious time of everyone.

Rajat was checking on his mobile some business emails.

When the spotlight went to special person he was waiting for

Ragini Khanna one of the leading businesswoman in the country

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Ragini Khanna one of the leading businesswoman in the country.  She is nominated for the businesswo/man award of this year. Soon she sat on her place.

Another spotlight this time to a young man who just enters the business world.

Laksh Maheshwari he recently joined the company of his father who wants to retire

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Laksh Maheshwari he recently joined the company of his father who wants to retire. Laksh has archived a great start in short time but still his decisions aren't well thought. The success he is celebrating is bcz of his father n the nomination was also for him not Laksh...

introduction over 😏

Laksh took his seat far away from Ragini whom he hasn't seen yet but heard alot abt her. 

She is called to be selfish. Ambitious but could do everything to gain the power. She is an orphange she had to start her work from 0 to what she is now. She has archived this award with almost 90 % of voting  Miss Ragini Khanna a huge applause please.  👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏. Rajat announced n all stood up.

Ragini wasn't sure abt the words he used... he always do that to reduce her value but she knows better. She is better than him n the rest of here.

Laksh stood up too he was waiting to see her face. He just heard rumours abt her witch avatar but when Ragini comes on the stage to receive the award she turned to audience.

Laksh was lost in her beauty. She starts her speech but Laksh blank it out. He didn't even her hear mentioning him.

All looked at Laksh for his response. DP; Laksh! The tone was angry n embaress. Laksh out of his trance.

Laksh goes through his hair. He comes up with charming smile. Sorry what u said?. giving her a rose🌷. Congratulations. U got my vote too. Ragini was amazed by his act. Ragini took the rose. Thank u. I said that DP ji can be happy having u as his son who can take over a gud running business please don't mess up the hard work of ur father. She took the award n left the function throwing the rose in trashbin....

Rajat; She is a bitch. Laksh; anger. Mind ur language! He left from the stage.

Soon the party went over n all headed to their respective homes.

Laksh was driving with a smile - She knows who I am! -.

Rajat was angry - she again rejected me -.

Reaching home Ragini put the award to a cupboard it was her first businesswoman of the year award she wished to have more of them. Her P. A. comes by knocking.

P. A.; Madam tomorrow u have a big meeting.
Ragini nod. I know... I hope they say yes.
P. A.; I'm sure they will. They don't have another option.
Ragini; u never know.... U can go. Wake me at 8 a.m. I want to do some yoga n then a shower before we leave.
P. A.; Sure. Have a gd n8. N congratulation.
Ragini; Thank u gud n8.

Laksh was home. His mother was waiting for him. He ckmes home with empty hands but a smile AP had never seem before. AP hugs him. Laksh; maa u know that Ragini Khanna knows who I am!. AP; was shaking her head. What?  Laksh; maa she is owner of the title businesswoman of the year. She has archived everything by her own. Wow.

DP; Laksh... she insulted u. Laksh; u do the same everyday. AP laughed. Laksh; y should I mind it. In fact I loved it when she insult me. It felt familiar. AP saw him with different eyes. Laks gave AP a gud night kiss n left to hus room. Thinking of the angry beauty.

On the otherside.
Rajat reached home too he throws some stuff n break a vase. ...; Rajat what is this?. Rajat; Papa she rejected my offer again!. Ram; that doesn't mean u have to demolish the house. We will find a way how u can get her n her property. Rajat; how wants her I just want ger property unbelievable how could she reach to be the top n that to un a younger age than me. I want to ruin her.


Yeah Rajat want her to rule over her but Laksh want her to keep her n himself happy.

Who will win n how?.

Thank u dears. Please comment n vote. Te me if it is ok?.

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