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amitadhuri this is for u.

Recap; It was the first day of Laksh as Ragini's P.A. n he has saved her for a big problem. The server's of Raginis company were hacked. Laksh asked for dinner.

Ragini looks at him dinner...?. She was confused. She scratches her head. Laksh; what happen y r u looking so tensed. Aren't u hungry or r u scared of my request? Ragini lowered her gaze. Laksh I said our marriage is a secret how can we go for dinner? Laksh burst out in laughter. That is ur problem? I asked u for dinner not a dinner date let's go home. He smiles n shook his head. Look at me I'm in ny office look how can I go for a dinner with my beautiful wife who always looks stunning. No way this would be an insult to u.

Ragini blushed never a man complements her. The men were always scared to talk to her either they were insecure bcz of her power or they were arrogant n tried to harm her.

Laksh saw the blush n was mesmerized by her beauty again. He couldn't take off his eyes from her. Ragini felt his intense gaze on her. A shiver run down her spine. Laksh this is not true. Laksh didn't answer he was still lost in her. Ragini put her hand on his shoulder. Laksh felt the touch. Haan u said something... the way he used these words with care n love gave her goosebumps. Ragini lowere her head not to show him her blush again. I said it is not true. Laksh was confused. What is not true? Ragini smiled. That u r looking bad in comparising to me. She looks up n gave him a smile.

 She looks up n gave him a smile

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Laksh was happy. Finally she was opening herself a little bit. He walks to opens the door like a gentleman n Ragini goes ahead. Laksh took his bag n hers n carried both down. Laksh n Ragini were sitting in the car. Laksh; I think we should always be the first n last. Ragini; what u mean?. Laksh; 1st in office n the last one in office. Ragini; I'm always the first. Just today we couldn't be the first n we made a great excuse but usually I'm the 1st n last one. Laksh nod in surprise.

Ragini was looking out of the window. What r we going to eat? I mean do u want to order. Again Pizza? Laksh lifts one eyebrow. I thought u would cook for me. As it is our first day together alone n u already made breakfast for me but It's ok u must be having peoblems in cooking as u r soooo busy u never learnt it right?.

Ragini widen her eyes. What? Laksh; I said na it is ok. He was smirking but Ragini couldn't see it as she fumes in anger - How dare he to think I can't cook. I will show him my cooking skills -.

Laksh took a turn in an opposite direction of their way home. Ragini was confused a little bit of fear was building up in her. - What is this? Where is he taking me? -. She nervously plays with her scarf. She can't show fear ot scar she is Ragini Khanna... ops Ragini Lakshya Maheshwari.

Laksh was happy - A long drive with mu wife. I don't know if u can cook or not but whatever u will give me I will eat it ya even poison I would from u bcz even that would taste like heaven -.

Laksh stops the car. Ragini saw the building she smiles it is the old orphanage where she used to live. She always donated money to this facility she even support the charity works for it. Ragini looked at him. Laksh; hmm wanna have dinner? Ragini's eyes were filled with tears no emotions was one of her rules but being here is changing all. Ragini nod wiping the tears away.

Both get off the car n went inside. The headmaster of the orphanage comes out to greet Ragini. Ragini was happy seeing all the kids she consider them as her family. The headmaster; N u r? Looking n asking at Laksh. Laksh; Oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Lakshya Maheshwari a.k.a Laksh or Lucky I'm the new P. A. of Ms. Ragini Khanna. Ragini felt a small very small pain deep in her heart. She wasn't sure y n for what but there was something bothering her. The way Laksh introduced himself as her P. A. n called her Ms. Ragini Khanna made her pout.

Soon the kids come n dragged Ragini into the kitchen. Child 1; He will cook with our Ragini Di. Child 2; Haan but who is he?. Laksh; I'm Lucky. Child 1; Y r u lucky? Laksh smiles at the innocent face. I'm sorry my name is Laksh but my friends call me Lucky. Wanna be friend?. Child 1 n 2 n the other. Yaaaa!!!! 🙆‍♂️🙆‍♀️.

Ragini was cooking with kids they had send Laksh out of thr kitchen as he was creating more work than helping in decreasing the work.

Laksh was called in to decorate the table. Laksh 😲 What?! Ragini u saw the amount of tables. Ragini nod. looking at the kids. Now go u wanted to help now help. Laksh pout he murmurs something n starts to place the plates n cutlery on the table. It took him 30 to 40 min. as he wasn't  practiced in it. He had to do many walks 😁.

The food was served by all n they starts eat Ragini made Aloo ki tarkari with pooris.

Laksh coughs. He couldn't eat spicy food n Ragini was unaware of it. But she immediately stood up n patter his back. She gave him a glass of water to drink she was holding it by lifting his chin. He was surprised but the scare n  concern in her eyes was genuine. Laksh drunk the water. Ragini; What happen Laksh? Laksh coughed another time. I can't eat spicy food. Ragini; Oh... Sorry. She took his plate n changed it. She had also made Halwa poori. Laksh liked it more.

They left saying bye to kids after having the dinner with them they also played for some time.

Ragini looked at him on the way home. Laksh smiles n thought to tease her. Am I looking that gud that ur eyes r sticked on me? Ragini smiles she didn't blushed but she laughs. hahaha. She laughs her heart out. Ragini; U r too much. Her eyes were showing a glow a kindness toward him. U r always there to bring a smile on my face. Thank u.

Laksh looks at her. It is my duty to keep u happy not bcz I'm ur husband but bcz I'm ur friend, right?.

Hope u liked that.

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Someone told me my spelling is wrong sorry!. My stories which r on going r not in editing only the one I end. Besides My mother tongue is German n Urdu {Memri/Sindhi}
Plus I had learnd English for more than 25 years. I'm proudly 28 years old 😁. N I have learned Spanish. So please forgive my spell mistakes.

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