The Delinquent~

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It was a pretty typical day for you. Lunch time had come and you were in your usual spot, just behind the athletics building. You didn't really mind being alone, but you wished at times you had someone to listen to you. As you chewed on some ketchup-covered rice, you heard footsteps approaching you.

"Yare yare daze."

Jotaro clenched his hands in his pockets, pissed he had to walk this far just to get away from those annoying girls. He turned the corner and looked up, only to see you. 'Great. Here's another one.' However, instead of a squeal of joy you merely gave him a small, fleeting smile and went back to your bento.

The hulking teen was a bit surprised, but intrigued. He was used to everyone wither cowering or falling all over him. Rarely did he find someone who ignored him, to say the least. Jotaro decided to investigate a bit. He made his way to the bench you were comfortably resting on. With a long sigh, he sat down at the opposite end.

You turned to the familiar boy, looking at him intently, "You're Jotaro, aren't you?"

He fished a bread pudding treat out of his pocket and unwrapped it, taking a silent bite.

"Yep. It is you. You're in my class," you take a bite too, "It's okay if you don't know me. I'm not famous like you."

You looked down at the pale pink shell in your hand. Its round ridges made you happy as you munched away on a bit of hot dog.

"Angulate Wentletrap..."

The deep voice surprised you. It took you a few seconds before you realized it was Jotaro's voice. An excited smile blooms on your face, "Yeah," Your fingers glide over the ridges, "I found it during high tide. I was really hoping to find a lion's paw but I found this instead. Only on good days can you find one this big. Usually, they're only a few centi-"

Suddenly the lunch signal chimed, inducing you into a panic. "Oh, I talked too much!" you quickly scarfed down the rest of your bento and started to hurry off.


Jotaro's voice stopped you in mid-step, making you look over your shoulder. His cool eyes stared at you, his chiseled face holding a subtle expression, "That's your name, right?"

Your lips curved into a smile and you nodded, "Well, see ya." You said, turning on your heel and dashing off for the main building. You chuckled to yourself, 'I guess even tough guys have quirks.'


The Next Day...

Once again, lunch time had come around. Only this time you weren't alone. Jotaro—yes, Jotaro—was sitting on the opposite side of the bench again. Snacking on a bread pudding treat. Again.

"You can't just eat sweets for lunch you know."

Jotaro quietly bit his treat, eyes closed without a care in the world.

"Here," you hand him a neatly packed rice ball.

He didn't even open his eyes at your action.

"C'mon. I know you're hungry," you said, waving the rice ball in your hand, "I made it fresh this morning," you cooed.

Of course he was hungry, bur he'd never admit that to you. "Yare yare daze," he mumbled, taking your offertory rice ball.

The rest of lunch was pretty quiet after that. It was a pleasant silence, though. The soft whisk of the breeze in your ear reminded you of a seashell. You know. When you put one to your ear and you can "hear the ocean"? Just like that. You were hesitant to admit it, but you were actually glad Jotaro was there. You rather enjoyed his silent company.

Finally, the lunch bell chimed. You quietly gathered your things and prepared to take off, that is until Jotaro's cool voice stopped you once again.


You looked up curiously as he dug his hand in his pocket, taking out a copper-colored item, "Here."

Your eyes sparkled, instantly recognized what it was, "A lion's paw," you swiped it out of his hand in utter excitement, 'Wow, this one's huge! And it's fully intact." You examine the straight ridges and sepia bands for a moment before turning your attention to Jotaro again, "Thank you."

Your smile was warm and genuine, not like the one you gave him the first time. "Tch," the delinquent pulled his hat down and quickly whirled around, "It's just a stupid seashell."

You watch him as he walked away. Maybe it was just your imagination, but for a second you could've sworn you saw a tinge of pink on his defined cheeks. Could it be true that a hardened criminal like him allowed himself to turn sanguine? You gazed at your new seashell, letting yourself believe it to be true.


Since then, every day for a week Jotaro would spend lunch with you. Each day you were surprised with his continued presence as well as the presence of a new seashell.

"I'm starting to think you have a collection, Jotaro," you teased him one afternoon.

He grunted, as if that was below him.

Your time with Jotaro wasn't just limited to lunch, though. The towering teen would walk with you to and from your usual spot and even use his energy to speak. It excited you when he did, but you liked when he just listened too...even if all you talked about was seashells. Despite your fondness of Jotaro's company, there were others that would have liked to see it end.

Heavy boxes at hand, you shuffled down the hallway, stretching your neck to see over the high stack with little help. You were adjusting the position of your hands when you suddenly bumped into something.

"Sumimasen, " You said, looking around the stack to see who you hit. It was a girl you had seen before along with two others who had malicious grins on their faces. You recognized their belittling demeanor, you heart beginning to race. You'd tried your hardest to avoid these girls. They had been stalking you ever since they noticed Jotaro spending a little too much time with you.

"You're getting awfully friendly with JoJo, little girl," the brunette stepped closer, her eyes flaming with jealousy, "I told you to stay away."

"I-I don't mean anything by it," you stepped back, not quite experienced enough to dump the boxes and throw down, "We're just—"

Just then, the brunette shoved you back with brutal force. Your feet struggled to balance the heavy load while your arms shifted under the weight. You felt yourself falling back and braced yourself for a hard landing, but were instead meet with a soft mass. Confused, you tilted your head back. Jotaro stared down at you with a soft, yet stern expression. It looked like he was relieved in some way, but still trying to keep his delinquent reputation alive as his thick brows furrowed together. He lifted you up like you were a mere feather and promptly turned his attention to the girls.

He didn't have to say anything for everyone there to know what he was thinking: His once soft eyes were now hard with anger, the deep shadow of his hat only intensifying his intimidating aura. The three girls cowered, leaving in a hurried panic.

Jotaro sighed, taking the boxes out of your hand, "You need to learn how to stand up for yourself."

Your eyes fall, a burn crossing your face at his stinging words.

"Otherwise, I'll be stuck babying you forever," his voice was barely audible but you still heard his little quip.

Your smile beamed as you walked behind him. Sure, it was a bit rude, but his comment somehow made you feel warm...


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