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Jotaro placed the boxes down with ease.

"Thanks," You said as you scratched your cheek.

He glanced at you for a second, giving a grunt of acknowledgement before treading off to the door. You followed, but were taken off guard when he turned left.

"Jotaro," you took a second glance right, "class is back this way."

Jotaro didn't falter and kept silently going about his way.

You had two options: go back to class and be bored out of your mind, or follow the brooding, stoic teen to a destination unknown.

There was only one logical choice.

You sprinted to Jotaro's side, a wide smile on your face. Jotaro pulled down his hat in an attempt to hide the curving corners of his lips, "Yare yare..."


You didn't dare ask where you were going as you both wandered off the school grounds. Teachers who saw you two didn't ask either, their voices stifled by Jotaro's hard glare.

You wondered if this was what it was like to be a delinquent: doing and going as you pleased without giving a damn what anyone else said or thought...or maybe this was what it was like to be Jotaro.

Your heart pounded with adventurous spirit as you walked along side your tall compatriot. It seemed your path was being directed to the train station, which excited you even more.

"I've never skipped school before," you nudged his stiff arm, "Does this make me a punk now?"

Jotaro shot you a quick glance, "Sure."

There it was again, that strange warmth. It had been happening more than your liking. The quickened pace of your heart, your sweaty palms, the burn on your cheeks; all of this only happened when you were around Jotaro. You tried to ignore it, but it just kept happening. What was this feeling?


Jotaro's stern voice snapped you out of your thoughts, "Huh?"

"You're holding up the damn line."

"Wha-" you looked behind you and saw many suit-clad people standing behind you with annoyed grimaces.

You quickly foraged your train pass out of your bag, an embarrassing heat on your cheeks.

"Yare yare," Jotaro mumbled as you passed the gate and caught up to him.


A blur of colors zoomed past your window as the train speed to its destination, the sounds of the tracks filling the otherwise quiet air. You blushed as your leg brushed against Jotaro's, the space between you almost nothing. You couldn't even lean back because his arm was perched along the top of the bench. This was all too awkward.

"Hey," a raspy voice sounded through the car, "shouldn't you two kids be in school right now?"

You and Jotaro simultaneously turned to a shaky old man just across the way. His stern glare and seemingly permanent scowl pierced you and you looked down in shame. Jotaro, however, wasn't shaken in the slightest.

His strong voice rose into the air, "Shouldn't you shut up and mind your own business, old man?"

You didn't dare to look up, the guilty burn on your face intensified with Jotaro's harsh comment. You heard the old man grumble and lowly mumble, "kids these days" or something to that effect.

Just then, you felt a warm pressure on your arm and turned your attention to it. It was a hand. Jotaro's hand. He pulled you towards him until your cheek was firmly planted up against the side of his massive chest. Jotaro sighed and let his hand slide further down your arm, the protective warmth of his arm comforting you. Still, your heart nervously raced as you felt his chest rising and falling with every slow breath he took. You pursed your lips and closed your eyes, trying to cherish this small moment of closeness with the infamous delinquent.

Jotaro Kujo x Reader: {Seashells}Where stories live. Discover now