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Constructive Criticism

So, as my guide here is ending, I'd like to give out one more piece of advice. When reviewing a story, don't just write "WOW, this sucks!" There's this thing called Constructive Criticism (CC) which is their to help both the author get  better and you sound like less of a jerk. So here is my guide to CC.

1. Start with a compliment, no matter how hard you have to think to get one.

2. Be polite. As in, 'you might want to check your spelling' instead of 'your spelling sucks.'

3. Offer suggestions. Instead of "John is a Stu," you could say "John seems a little too perfect. Maybe you should make him a slow runner or something to balance it out."

4. End with another compliment. They will look upon you in a more friendly light.

Also try to except constructive criticism, don't argue with people. Hold your head high and be the bigger person, with a reply such as "Hmm, I'll take a look at that. Thank you for your suggestion." This will especially tick off trolls. 

Yes, I make mistakes. In fact, there are probably a number of mistakes in this guide. In no way whatsoever is this guide meant to make anyone feel inferior or imply that I'm a perfect writer. I only wanted to help others and hopefully improve the quality of wattpad writing. 

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