| Beauty & The Beast | Chapter 12 |

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Bardock stood on top of the footrest as the servants surrounded him seeming to be like they were having some sort of meeting. His lips parted as he began to speak in his deep voice with furrowed brows;

"Listen up everyone, we have exactly twelve hours, twenty-six minutes, and fifteen seconds to make the most exquisite and romantic atmosphere known to men or beast..."

Everyone in the room remained silent, looking at each other in confusion. Seeing their puzzlement, Bardock cleared his throat and released a small cough. The red magical rose appeared upon them. It was slowly dying and fading away, losing it's precise color. "Anyways, you all know quite well what'll occur if the last petal falls from the rose; we'll never be humans again! Now, you all know what your assignments are; half of you to the west wing, half of you to the east wing, and the rest of you, come with me."

The servants made their way, leaving behind the usual three; Bardock, ChiChi, and Kakarot. However, as the pup, the footrest, dashed to help the others, Bardock fell on the floor, causing one of his screws to go loose. 

Kakarot approached him, smiling as he picked up his screw. "Calm down, père, and let nature take its course."

"It's obvious there's a spark between the two." continued ChiChi while Bardock snatched back his screw from Kakarot.

Bardock frowned at Kakarot, putting away the part. "Yes, I know that, but there's no harm in fanning the flames a little. Besides..." He began to walk ahead as the other two followed. "... They must fall in love tonight if we ever expect to be humans again."

"Ah!" Kakarot grinned and turned Bardock's clock handles to four. "Human again!"

"Human again..." Chimed ChiChi.

"Yes... just imagine what that means!" Kakarot strolled away from Bardock as his clock went off.

The candlelabra flamed up his candles and began to sing;

"I'll be eating again
Be strong again
With ChiChi swept in my arms!"

Kakarot smiled, grabbing his wife and giving her a soft spin as ChiChi's lips were into a smile as well. Then, he approached Bardock placing his candle like hands onto his shoulders, earning himself an annoyed scowl from Bardock.

"When I'm human again
Only human again
Poised and polished and gleaming with strength
I'll be eating again
Sparing and brawling again!"

"Which should cause several enemies alarm!" ChiChi said, eyeing Kakarot. He revealed his pearly whites and gazed towards her.

"I'll hop off the shelf
And bats-les them myself
I can't wait to be human again!"

It didn't take long before every single servant were dancing and singing while still preparing the castle for the evening.

"When we're human again
Only human again
When we're knickknacks
And whatnots no more
When we're human again
Good and human again."

Even the wardrobe, Eighteen, decided to join in the song;

"Ah, cherie, won't it all be top drawer
I'll wear clothes
And I won't be so huge
Why, I'll easily fit through that door
I'll exude savoir faire
I'll wear gowns, I'll have hair!
It's my prayer to be human again!"

Sounding catchy, Bardock gave in and started to sing as well.

"When we're human again
Only human again
When the world once more starts making sense
I'll unwind for a change!"

Kakarot smiled at him.

"Really? That'd be strange!"

Bardock's brows went downwards, glaring at him.

"Can I help it that I'm a little t-t-tense?
In a far away planet I'll go
I'll commence my training
And grow strong
Far from fools made of wax
I'll go fight til the end
And then I can relax!"

"When I'm human again!"

"So sweep the dust from the floor
Let's let some light in the room
I can feel, I can tell
Someone might break the spell
Any day now!"

"Shine up the brass on the door
Alert the dustpail and groom
If it all goes as planned
Our time may be at hand
Any day now!"

"Open the shutters and let in some air
Put these here
And put those over there
Sweep up the years of sadness and tears and throw them away!"

"We'll be human again
Only human again
When the girl finally sets us all free
Cheeks a-booming again
We're assuming again
We'll resume our long lost joie the vivre!"

"We'll be playing again
Holidaying again
And we're praying it's ASAP!"

"Little push, little shove
They could whoosh! Fall in love!
And we'll finally be human again!"


The big chair you sat on was quite comfortable as you adorned [f/c] lovely dress. Your lips were turned upwards, your hand holding onto a book with your eyes scanning through it. This book had begun to also be one of your favorites, having a unique and unbelievable ending than any other books you had read with both characters dying for Juliet couldn't live on without her Romeo. A quiet sad ending, but still a beautiful tale to read. 

Vegeta was right beside you, looking at you as you read the last part of the book to him. By the tone of your voice, he could tell that you loved the book. 

"There never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo." You said, softly closing the book and holding it to your chest.

The beast was entranced by your voice, deeming to hear more of your tone, causing him to say, "Could you read it again?"

"Well, here!" You smiled at him and handed him the book. "Why don't you read it to me?"

"Uh..." Vegeta gazed down at the book. It has been awhile since he had last read a book and just by staring at the title, he simply knew it will be a difficulty for him to pronounce the words it contained. He looked up at you before glancing away with embarrassment, muttering, "I can't..." 

Your hearing senses caught his muttering as your smile went downwards. "You mean you never learned?"

"Oh, I learned!... A little... It just been so long..."

"Here, let me help you then... Let's see..." You opened the book to the first page. "Let's start here." You pointed out and allowed him to read as you listened.

"Er... Twow?"

"Two." You softly smiled, correcting him.

"Two! I knew that!" He frowned. "Two households..."

And the two of you resumed slowly into the basics of pronouncing.


Meanwhile, two sponges created out of the soapy water a heart upon the glass window where the both you and the beast can be slightly seen. As all the servants continued the song;

"We'll be dancing again
We'll be twirling again
We'll be whirling around with such ease!
When we're human again
Only human again
We'll go waltzing those old 123's!"

"We'll be floating again
We'll be gliding again
Step and striding as wide as you please
Like a real human does
I'll be all that I was
On that glorious morn
When we're finally reborn!"

"When we're all of us human...

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