Chapter 2

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A/N:I'm taking a two day break from my one-shots..I'm so tired of posting twice or thrice everyday.

I tried to stutter but my voice wasn't cooperating "Please don't touch me!" He was still staring at me with his blue eyes but suddenly he let go of my mouth and began stroking my hair. Slowly he whispered to me while I was struggling to free my wrists "I won't hurt you if you listen to me" I didn't answer. I was trying not to look at him because my eyes were filled with tears. He leaned closer, trying to kiss me but I turned my head to the other side whispering him to stop because I don't wanna do it, not ever again.

"Don't do this!" I slowly said sobbing. "Please! I won't tell anyone" I pleaded, finally getting my voice back.

He slowly let go of my wrists. I wondered what he was gonna do now but my mind was iced. He picked me up from the couch and took me to bed. I wasn't expecting this. I was so afraid of him. He was slow poisoning me with his touch. He put me on my bed, wiping away my tears from my horrified eyes. He knew I was afraid of him. I was practically shaking. I knew he would do whatever he wants with me and I'm helpless. He confessed something that shot bullets into my soul and the next second there was nothing but sound of flesh against flesh and helpless breaths.

The next day.

The next morning I woke up in my bed, naked, under the sheets. My window was ajar with blinds open. My clothes were on the couch. In the moment of unconsciousness, I was trying to retrieve my memory of what happened last night and suddenly everything came to mind and a chill ran through my veins.

I got up reaching for my clothes telling myself that it's okay what happened.. even when it wasn't. I got ready as fast as I could and went downstairs my mom was staring at me. I looked at the clock it was 8:30 and I was sore.

"Oh my Gosh! I missed the French class already." I lied in a hurried tone, taking my muffin with me and I rushed out of home. Mom stood there confused. Actually I never gave her a chance to ask me anything about last night but I knew she would do when she gets the chance but what am I supposed to tell her? 

Hanna and Aria waited for me in front of the Brew as I rushed to pass it, basically trying to ignore them but it was impossible. They were looking at me like lost puppies and they could feel that I wasn't okay but they took it in a wrong way.

"Still recovering?" Hanna asked smirking as I looked over to her, trying to be confused. "From the anniversary dinner" she smiled.

"Yeah...Yeah" I answered.

"Was he surprised?"

"Mm-hmm.It was a really big surprise" I said trying to avoid any more questions. I was walking two steps forward of them.

"Where were you last night? Were you with Caleb?" Aria asked walking carelessly.

"No, he's being really weird.Every time I try to make plans with him, he says he's busy, but he won't tell me what he's doing" she replied chugging on a wheat bar as my eyes wet wide with all those WHAT IFS in my mind.

"Why don't you just ask him? Be honest" Aria replied casually.

"Wow" Hanna laughed tauntingly. "It's like the world's fattest man giving dieting tips..Hello! You're the one who's sitting on a secret the size of the 'Natterhorn'!"

"Okay, if you're talking about Fitz and the kid, I'm gonna tell him today...And the goal was never to keep it from him.I-I'd wake up every morning with the intention of telling him, and then I'd go to sleep every night feeling guilty that I didn't" she sighed looking at her hands.

"At least you have your afternoons free" Hanna squealed.

"Nice bit of support, Hanna.Oh, and by the way, it's "Matterhorn" Aren't you the one that's supposed to be correcting her?" Aria said pointing towards me.

"What?" I asked again when they snapped me out of my thoughts. 

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Aria asked.

"Uh, nothing..We didn't really get much of an anniversary 'cause Toby had to get up early for work the next day" I replied out of the blue.

"That sucks" Hanna smirked.

"Yeah, it does...Listen!" I made a final move to get rid of their questions and judging stares at once. "um, I'm gonna skip the brew today 'cause I have a lot of reading to catch up on, for English, so I'll catch you guys at lunch" I said and left while they both stared at me till I disappeared from a distance. 

All day went like this I was avoiding the girls because they were asking too many questions about last night and I don't wanna bring last night up but I spilled something major in front of Emily when she showed me Ali's journal and how Toby was in it. 

'Alison tried to hook up with Toby'...I just couldn't get Emily's words out of my mind. Alison was just a bitch who ruined everything and now a lot of people have their lives on stake..just because of her. 

I opened the door and entered home and what I found was a cherry on top of a perfectly bad day.

"Mom!" I said in an amazed tone. "Aren't you supposed to be in office?"

"Yeah I know but I was waiting for you!" her voice was demanding answers and I was blank.

A chill ran through my body. She was going to ask so many questions from me which I can't answer without bursting into tears that how many people have their lives on stake because of me and here I am helpless...!

"Honey! What happened between you and Toby?" she asked in a polite tone.I was just trying to make up a lie when she spoke up again. "And what happened last night?" she spat as my eyes were shot opened, she must've heard me crying, sobbing or even trying to scream. "Look..I-I know something was happening...I'm sorry I-I was on anti-allergies last night..I woke up and I heard a voice but I just couldn't get up, my body wasn't responding and then you were acting strange in the morning..Tell me what happened?"

"Mom" I said in a soft voice. "Nothing Mom! I'm-I'm just an idiot!"

"No honey you're not! You're my little girl..Come here" my mother's voice and calm words soothed my soul and I just ran into her open embrace and hugged her as tight as I could and started crying. I cried for over 10 minutes and she was holding me like a baby. I finally regained myself and stood straight.

"I really needed that" I smiled. "Actually mom! I-I started a fight with him" I said trying to keep my composure and taking the blame so she won't ask any questions. "It was my fault, I-I will apologize to him. I hope I didn't break his heart.. that much" I lied hiding tears.

"Spence! If you think it was your fault whatever happened between you two then apologize. He is such a nice kid. Sometimes I feel like he loves you more than we could ever do" She said with a smile. Her words broke me apart. How could a mother even think that? I thought about what she said. Does he really love me? or ever loved me? I was to shattered to function her words...

I nodded with a smile because that's all I could do that time. "Mom! I'll see you at dinner. I need to catch up on French. Bye!" I went upstairs, surrounded by thoughts, tears, dangers and the things that were yet to come. 

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