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"So Philip, where's your homework?"

Mr Storn asked. The black haired boy rolled his eyes.
He hated math and well, wasn't that interested in spending his afternoon with it. He actually hated school in every kind of way.

"I had stuff to do Sir" He said with a little smirk on his face.
"And what exactly do you mean with stuff?"
"Your mother is a who Sir, don't you know the interrogative pronouns?" Phil snapped with a wide grin on his face. He liked taking risks, to overstep boundaries and act without thinking. It may caused him a lot of trouble, but nobody really cared.

"Ok that's it Lester, leave now and afternoon detention on Saturday! And don't you dare coming late!"
Mr. Storn said angrily and pointed at the door. Phil stood up, held up his hands in surrender, but he never left without having the last word.
"Oh Sir I always come at the right moment."
He shut the door right before Mr Storn could've had a mental breakdown and reached for his mobile, when someone ran right into him.

"Oh my - I'm so sorry!"
The person stepped back and it was Daniel Howell, the new one.
He picked up the dropped mobile and handed it shakily to the quite larger, dark haired boy.
Who quickly checked if it had any damage, but for Dans luck nothing happened.
Phil was known for his brawls, even though he never hurt someone. Those were just rumors, made up because nobody really knew Philip Lester.

Dan didn't look at him, he feared to get touched, but for a second their eyes locked.
"Get your life together weirdo" Phil said and the younger boy nodded and entered the class.

Howell was just awkward for everyone. Since his first day, which was three weeks ago, he always came too late. Which didn't make any sense, Phil thought, because the light in his room switched on at 4 am every single day.
He knew that because unfortunately he lived on the other side of the street and his window was right across Dans.

You could've thought that Dan just needed that long to get ready, but sometimes he left his house right after Phil and was still twenty minutes later at school.

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