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Dan didn't came back that day and even if Phil was annoyed and confused by the younger boys behavior, he was slightly worried.

Dan didn't had any friends.
You could've blame it on his short time here, but usually people are interested in the new kids. And first they were, but then they noticed that he was odd.

He counted every step he took and if you told him, he stopped and then started again.

He sometimes just disappeared and then just came back without an excuse.

And the most significant thing was that he always came too late.

Phil wasn't interested in the new boy at first.
He was good looking, the black haired thought, but he would trust the rumors and never talk a word with me.

But two weeks later, the younger boy was still alone. He sat on the yellow bench and stared at his phone, everyday.
So Phil thought he may was different.

And sure he was more than the older one expected.

But was that a bad thing?
Phil was lonely too and it wasn't all his fault, maybe it wasn't Dans either.

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