Second Coming

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Taekwoon walked into the restaurant, his eyes scanning the room for a person in particular.

Already, he'd met three prospective women this week, and literally seven in total. None, absolutely none of them had clicked with him. They were either not ready to settle down and were coerced into this, or they had extremely high expectations when they heard about his job and the things he'd accomplished at a young age. Many of them simply expected him to shower them with gifts, or take them for long vacations. Other didn't get the nature of his job and others expected him to earn the big bucks so they could "follow their dreams."

Needless to say, after the seventh, Taekwoon had simply taken down his matrimonial profile and given up on finding someone through the website.

It was then that his mother had approached him, telling him that a friend's cousin's daughter might be interested, and that she would set up the meeting, despite his protests. 

In the end, he was convinced to just meet her and then make his decision.

And that was how Taekwoon found himself leaving work early, embarrassingly telling his colleague that he had a date and showing up at a five star hotel in Seoul.

Walking in, Taekwoon took a minute to adjust his blazer before walking over to the seats.

The waitress pointed him over to the table where a young woman sat, mulling over the menu. Saying a quick thanks, Taekwoon quickly patted his blazer down before approaching her.

"Excuse me," he said, grabbing her attention. "Are you Kim Nayoung?"

She got up, straightening her skirt. "Yes, I am."

"I'm Jung Taekwoon," he said, holding out his hand. 

"Yes, yes, come sit down," she told him, gesturing to the table.

He took a seat opposite her, letting out a breath. She looked up at him. "Long day?" she asked.

He nodded. "Sorry, I came right from work," he softly said. "I-uh-hope I didn't keep you waiting?"

She shook her head. "Not at all," she assured. "I was only here five minutes before." 

He sighed. This was getting off to an awkward start.

"So what do you do?" she asked him after they'd ordered.

"I...I'm in service," he explained. "Transportation, logistics."

"What's your designation?" she inquired.

Not one of these people again. "Uh...Regional manager for the Asia sector." 

She frowned lightly. "Isn't that a pretty high position?" she asked. "How old are you even?"

He sighed. "I'm twenty-seven." 

"Really? I'm twenty-three." 

A strange silence fell over them. She paused before shaking her head and releasing a breath. "I'm sorry, I can't do this."

Saying so, she began to push back her chair.

"Why?" Taekwoon asked.

She sighed. "I promised my mother I'd give this a try because she wanted me to settle down before it was too late, but I don't think I'm ready for that kind of a responsibility yet. I thought I'd at least come and see what you were all about, perhaps humor you for a bit, but now I'm not too sure about what to do."

Taekwoon stayed quiet as she pulled herself up to her feet, making to leave.

"Wait," his quiet voice made her stop right in her tracks, turning around to look at him.

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