Strange Turn of Events

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The next time Wonshik saw Jaehwan, he was dressed in a crisp white suit with dress shoes to match.

"Is it done?" he guessed.

"It is done," Jaehwan said.

"And the boy?" Wonshik inquired.

"He's still alive, mostly," Jaehwan replied.

He walked past Wonshik but ended up being stopped by his voice. "How much more are you going to take from him?"

Jaehwan slowly turned to the Lord of the Underworld. "I'll take as much as I need, whenever I need it." His voice was low and threatening. "Unless you're beginning to have strange thoughts."

Wonshik shook his head. "Of course not," he assured. "Why would I?"

Jaehwan watched him for a moment, sharp eyes looking for any form of dissent or opposition. Finally satisfied, he shrugged. "Good," he said. "I just wanted to make sure you weren't having any strange thoughts, like, say, setting the boy free." He stepped closer to Wonshik, placing his hand on his brother's shoulder, leaning close to his ear. "Because you of all people should know very well what happens to those who cross me."

"I live to serve you, Lord Zeus," Wonshik said, in his monotonous, unflinching voice. 

Jaehwan's lips cracked into a smile and he pulled away. "I get that you have no more business here now that you've got your power back?" Wonshik asked.

Jaehwan nodded. "Yes, I'll be returning to Olympus now. I've abandoned my post for far too long."

The corner of Wonshik's lip curled. "Good. Now get out of my home."


Hakyeon lay limp in his prison, slightly sobbing once in a while.

It was all because of him.

How could he have abandoned his brother like that? Even if he loved his friends, he'd known his brother for longer. 

All because of him.

Taekwoon, who rejected girls he knew Hakyeon liked. Taekwoon, who forced Hakyeon to study and tutored him so that he could pass his exams, despite his own result suffering. Taekwoon, who sat quietly and listened to him babble on for hours on end. Taekwoon, who was there when his mother passed away, leaving Hakyeon all alone.

Taekwoon, who was ready to break off the engagement just because Hakyeon loved Nayoung, even though he fell for her as well.

Taekwoon, who always put him first.

Why couldn't he do the same?

He was so selfish. He was such a bad brother.

Taekwoon didn't deserve a brother like him. Taekwoon deserved someone much better, someone who put him first to his own selfish needs.

All because of him...

He sighed as his eyes felt dry. It seemed he had exhausted all the tears in his body, yet he still felt like he needed to shed more.

He felt tired, exhausted, thirsty, and like a great weight was pushing him down, almost like he was Atlas holding up the sky. 

His father's last words, his last warning once again resounded in his mind.

He who you believe to be your friend secretly plots against you.

He felt revolted by the thought that he felt Zelos was referring to Taekwoon. How could he even have thoughts like those?

The Son of Zelos (VIXX Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang