Locked in the Recording Booth

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Fukase POV

Upon contrary belief, Flower did indeed stuck up her middle finger towards us.

"FLOWER! UNLOCK THE DOOR OR IM GONNA BREAK THE WINDOW" I said shaking the door handle vigorously. As instructed by Piko and Flower, me and Oliver were asked to sing 'We Don't Talk Anymore' by Charlie Puth in the recording booth. However after the duet, both of us found the only door out to be locked and now Piko and Flower are dying of laughter on the other side in the control room.

Piko connected the tips of his fingers on both hands to make two faces and started pressing them against each other. This had Flower melting onto the ground pounding her fist from laughter. Soon after, she turned her back to us and started rubbing her sides with each opposite hand, as if she was kissing someone. This had Piko start his own fit of laughter. I made a frustrated groan at their taunts.

"W-when can we leave?!" Oliver asked scared into the mic. The both of them shrugged and continued laughing.

"FUCK, WE'RE GOING TO RUN OUT OF OXYGEN HERE." I yelled. Piko held up one finger implying that he was telling us to wait just a sec. Soon after he slowly took off the headset we wore. Meaning that now the only way he can hear us from our mic input was out the window, and with the walls of the booth covered in soundproof foam, there would be no absolute way for him to hear us through the walls.

"UGHH" I groaned agained looking up and pacing in a small circle.

"W-wait!" Oliver exclaimed.

I look back to the two in the control room, getting excitedly dragged by Len out the door. It was apparent he wanted to them something.

"AH GOD DAMMIT LEN." I yelled before sinking onto the carpet flooring.

"W-what do we do now?" Oliver asked quietly. It wasn't long after me and Oliver met. Then him introducing me to Flower and Piko. But, I'm not exactly fond of being trapped in a room with someone I barely even know. The boy was small and petite, but even then I was always intimidated by him. He was an outstanding English Vocaloid after all, and apparently top tier in his kind. But for us Japanese vocaloids It's always something different. It didn't help that his left eye was bandaged up. How does it stay there anyways? Doesn't it fall? It must be a real hassle...I don't get why he just forgets about it and show it off to people like I do with mine.

"F-Fukase?" He asked tapping me on the shoulder.

"Huh what?" I asked started.

"Um...I asked what are we going to do now but you just kind of blanked out..." He said pressing his index fingers together.

"Uh....yeah....we...um...n-need to find another way to exit I guess.." I said looking around the recording booth. That's right...as one of the best English vocaloids around it's imperative that he has to be places. He probably has a lot of gigs lined up and -At that moment I saw a ventilation shaft on the ceiling in the top left corner.

"Hey look!" I said nudging him and motioning to the ventilation shaft.

"How are we supposed to get up there?" He asked. Ah fuck. think....think...think.. There wasn't anything extraordinary in the room, as it was just for recording. Only the two mics, our two headsets, two stands, and a guitar in the back. I looked at the guitar and stands and looked back at him. He shook his head not breaking eye contact with me.

"We're going to break those if we use them and you know it. Ventilation shafts are supposed to be screwed in anyways." He replied. I looked back up at the ventilation shaft, then grabbed a stand and started to poke the air duct with it. Surprisingly, it opened with ease whenever I applied pressure to it with the stand.

"Here! Oliver get on my shoulders and you should be able to get out" I suggested getting down so he could climb on my shoulders.

"What? No! What about you?"

"Uh...I dunno, haven't thought that far yet..." I replied sheepishly. Geez, this whole situation is making me look so stupid in front of one of the gods of Vocaloid right there. He looked back up at the vent and looked back at me.

"I'll try to pull you up. But you have to reach a bit to grab my hand." He suggested. I nodded as he got on my shoulders. He shimmied his way in and lowered down his hand. I grabbed them and started hoisting myself up by grabbing the edges of the opening.

"God this vent is huge." I breathed out looking around. We both crawled our way to the direction of the control room. Oliver kicked the vent and hopped down.


I looked down to see that Oliver had fallen on top of Flower. I slowly lowered myself down and dropped onto the floor with ease since I was a bit taller then Oliver and had boots on.

"Why didn't you guys go through the door?!" Piko exclaimed picking up flower as I picked up Oliver.

I made a contorted face. Did they not remember what they just did?! "IT WAS LOCKED YOU STUPID-"

"We going to unlock it before you guys started going through the vent!" Flower exclaimed.

"You guys left!" Oliver countered back.

"We only left for a second before telling Len that we locked you guys in there!" Piko shot back.

"So why didn't you tell us?!" I retorted.

"WE WERE!" They both said together. I felt around the sides of my head and noticed we took our headphones off while getting into the vent. I looked over to Oliver doing the same thing and he looked back at me with wide eyes.

"Goddammit" I sighed facepalming.

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