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"You may now kiss the bride."

Cheers exploded from the audience in the seats as the two kissed. They were happy, all the family and friends who were seated were delighted also. It was a magical moment but I couldn't help the low feeling in my stomach watching the two.

The groom came rushing over with a bright smile once he scanned the attendees for me.

"Oliver! You came!"

"Well yeah of course, Fukase." I shrugged. "I couldn't miss your wedding. We've known each other since we were little."

"I just, can't believe you flew all the way from London to be here." He exclaimed breathless. I giggled at his enthusiasm.

"This is one of the most important things that could ever happen to someone,  and they don't happen all that much."

"You're not... Mad or anything are you?" He whispered softly.

"No of course not, Flower... She's one of the most beautifulest girls to lay eyes on." I said wholeheartedly, eyeing the bride rushing over to her parents in glee. She looked stunning in the angelic lacy dress as the short but noticeable train at the ends of her dress followed her ever graceful move.

"Oh okay good!  Great actually, I was afraid you weren't going to come because of that... "

Fukase fumbled around in his tux pockets before pulling out a small box, catching me off guard. My eyebrows furrowed trying to comprehend what was the jewelry like box for when he had just married Flower. The box was small and fit for a ring. Too small for a metal bracelet but could possibly fit some long chain if it looped onto itself.

"Fukase you know I'm not really into necklaces."

"Well yeah...but I really wanted to give you this." He gently slid the small box into the palm of my hand before overlapping it with my other one. My eyes were glued to the hands that guided mine, but even so I looked up at him to only be given a nod. Complying, I carefully opened the container and found a ring with half of the loop buried deep inside the cushions of the box.

"Fukase what the f-?!"

"It's not an engagement ring...It's a promise ring." He clarified as I slowly took it out of its casing to examine it.

"How m-"

"375." I blinked at him twice, dumbfounded.

"What...wh.... Why?"

"Just because we aren't...together like that.... Doesn't mean I don't still care for you. We're still friends remember?"

"Surprisingly too..." I added, repeating  our parents' thoughts on how bad of a decision it was. Only sour locked up feelings they said. Sour locked up feelings.

"And hey,  look here," He pointed at the carvings in the ring. The light carvings made out an anchor linked to a chain that went around the ring's surface. "The anchor reminded me of our cruise trip that one time, and kind of your love for the seaside."

"I'm still confused." I admitted.

"It's a promise ring. Just know that our relationship, whatever it is, never floats away. Just like this anchor." I just stood there processing everything in and rendered speechless. Assuming that was the promise of the so-called promise ring, it wouldn't be so hard to break. But thinking about it, if so much thought went into something like this, I could only imagine the numerous meanings of the ring he got flower. I then looked over at his pointing hand that held his marriage ring.

"And what about you?"

He chuckled slightly before responding, "Being married doesn't mean I only have one ring finger." He showed off a matching anchor themed ring on his other hand and looked up to eye my facial features that still clearly wasn't convinced. "Let me put it on for you. I want to see if it'll fit." I nodded, allowing him to have both the ring and my hand.

He slid the small metal item around my ring finger, lingering his touch there before letting go. "I remember always wanting to do this with you." He mumbled softly. I frowned at his comment, remembering how things fell short before he even got to propose.

I made a distressed cough over my shoulder which got his attention. "You should... Probably be with your... Wife now I suppose... It is your wedding afterall."

"'re right. How long are you staying."

"My flights not coming till tomorrow moning. I'll have to book an apartment I dunno. Bye Fukase, thank you and take care." I waved, not leaving a second for any debate. As I walked away from the wedding grounds,  my heart joining where my stomach had dropped minutes earlier. 

Guys I swear I love Oliver and I don't like him being sad but like I don't know how to make that heartfelt fluff. Bittersweet is the best thing I can do oof. 

Bonus:  Flower fell in love with Fukase for the little things he acted like and did that resembled Oliver. So plot twist flower actually fell in love with Oliver's character.

This could actually be a good full story wtf.

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