Rescue mission

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A/N sorry for not updating I've just been having a lot of exams thrown at me so I never got time to update my books... also this chapter is all gonna be in the boys pov. You will be mentioned but this chapter will not be in your POV.

-3rd person-
As y/n's body fell unconscious Mackenzie lost interest and left her to deal with in the morning. She had gotten sleepy and left to her room for sleep.
-12 am-
  As the moon stood above the house four boys could be seen approaching the house.

-Toby POV-
   Me and the boys decided to come back to y/n's house at night to retrieve her. We reached the back yard and we saw a light on in one of the rooms upstairs. We were quite not to alert then and went to an unlocked window. We opened it and slipped into the house. "Do you think she's in her room?" whispered Maskey. "How about we partner up and look for her." responded Hoodie. Maskey and Hoodie decided to look up stairs and me and Jeff looked downstairs.
   We started with the rooms and didn't find anyone. We heard footsteps approaching us and we hid in one of the rooms. They walked past us and into another room. We peeled out of the door and saw the lights on in the room. We quickly, but quietly, left the room and went to search the other rooms.

-Hoodie pov-
Me and Maskey walked upstairs and we saw the room with the lights on. We peeked through the door and saw a boy sitting on his bed with a textbook in front of him. He held a notebook in his hands and was writing things down. In the corner of the room was a crib and small snores could be heard coming from it. I turned to Maskey and he seemed to have left. I saw him opening another door and instantly closing it. From a corner of his mask you could see his face turning a crimson red. I gave a questioning look and he rapidly shook his head no. I shrugged it off and looked in the other rooms. I heard footsteps coming so I hide in a closet nearby and the person left. I looked around and the door next to the closet closed. I closed the door quietly and we Maskey at the stairs. "There's no sign of her up here. Maybe she's downstairs?" He said. We walked down the stairs and found Toby and Jeff talking. "Did you find her?" Asked Maskey. They shook their heads and we all let out a frustrated sigh. We thought of other places she could be and nothing came to us. Five minutes passed and Jeff finally thought of something. He got up and ran to nearby door. "We never did check the basement." He said walking into the dark basement. We followed close behind him and the place reeked of blood. We were use to the smell but we surprised to find the smell in here. We heard a growl coming from one of the rooms and we opened the door. There in a cage sat the y/n's wolf. He didn't recognize us in our Creppypasta form so he began to bark at us. We closed the door and found another door. We opened it and saw a figure in the corner of the room. We found the light switch and we saw y/n's body strapped onto a table. Her body was covered in cuts and her hair was extremely short.
   I growled under my breath 'how could a one do this to someone so beautiful?!' I saw Toby run and unstrap her. He picked up her fragile body and we left upstairs. "You two go to her room and put her things into the bags." Said Jeff hurrying us upstairs.
We made our way into her room and found some book bags filled with clothes. "What did she need these for?" I asked curiously. We picked up the bags. We heard someone walk into the room and Maskey manages to hide under the bed but I didn't have enough time and was caught. "Hey what are you doing with y/n's stuff?" Asked her brother. In his hands he held his baby brother who was drinking a bottle of milk. I began to sweat and saw Maskey crawl away leaving me alone with the two. 'Geez thanks for the help.' "Um... I'm a friend of hers and she decided to spend the night at our house so I came to get her stuff." I said nervously. Her brother glared at me and I saw Maskey walk back in. He signaled me to be quiet and crept up behind him. I stood there sweating nervously until Maskey knocked the kid out. He hit the boy in the back of the head and the boy fell I dropped the bags and ran to catch the baby before it fell on the floor. I caught in time and sighed in relief. I was handed the other boy and Maskey took the other bags downstairs. I followed him and saw Toby with y/n and Jeff with the bags Maskey brought down previously. They were standing by the back door and when they saw us they began to walk out.
   We walked through the forest as the moon lit up our path. We walked to the mansion and waited for y/n to wake up. We left her in a room with her brothers and waited in the room next door, mine and Maskey's room. We waited patiently on the bed and it felt like centuries. "Do you think she'll wake up?" Asked Maskey. With those words I began to panic and my mind wondered to the worst. "Let's hope she does or else this rescue mission was a complete waste of time." Said Jeff.

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