The others pt.1

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"Hey y/n wake up! It's time for school!" Yelled Austin, pulling the blanket off of me. I let out a groan and slowly rose from the bed. "What time is it?" I asked stretching my limbs out. "It's 6:30..." My eyes widened as I ran to the closet, grabbing clothes for me and the boys, and quickly changed. Austin changed by himself and I had to change max. ( clothes up top ) I helped them do their hair and brush their teeth before quickly doing mine. My hair was a mess and was cut unevenly but I had no time to worry about it. I brushed it out and put a beanie over it. I ran out of the room with both kids in hand all the way down stairs, past the many rooms, and noticed something... we're still in the mansion. I stopped and dropped Austin by mistake causing him to glare up at me. "Why are you up so early? We don't wake up in another hour or two." Said a sleepy Maskey with a very tired hoodie following him. "I'm sorry... I forgot we were here and it's 6:30 so I thought we had school today." I said smiling awkwardly at the end. "Yeah we called your school yesterday and we had everything under control." Said hoodie yawning at the end. "Oh, thank you. You didn't have to do that." I said smiling. "I'm hungry..." Said Austin frowning. "Nom-Nom" Said Max pointing to his stomach. "Um, do you mind if I make breakfast for us three? We've kind gotten use to waking up early." I Said laughing nervously at the end. "The kitchens up ahead to the right. The fridge closets to the sink has everything in it." Said Maskey as he began to leave. Hoodie followed behind him and waved goodbye to me. I waved back and grabbed Austin's hand was we walked to the kitchen.

I sat Austin in one of the many chairs and had him hold Max while I prepared the food. I noticed there were two refrigerators but I didn't want to make Maskey mad so I only used the things in the fridge he told me to use. I grabbed a packet of bacon and three eggs. I prepared the food and set them on two plates. I put the extra bacon back into the fridge and took out a gallon of milk. It had slipped my mind that I forgot Max's bottle up stairs. I told Austin to stay put and ran back to our room and grabbed Max's bottle. I hurried back down stairs and rushed to get Max's bottle ready. I hadn't noticed a new presence until I saw Austin's face. "Hey you ok?" I waited for an answer but didn't really get one. I looked in the direction he was facing and saw a boy around my age staring back at Austin. I began to panic since I forgot that there were other people here. "Um, who are you?" I asked nervously. The boy turned towards me and I got a good look at him. He had on a black hoodie, dark jeans, converse, and a dark blue mask covering his face with black goo coming out from the eye sockets. "I don't need to explain that to you. You in the other hand gave explaining to do. I haven't seen you here in all my years living here." He said standing up from his seat. Austin got up from his seat as well, max in hand, and stood behind me. "I'm sorry but I also don't know why I'm here. I woke up from my sleep and suddenly I was here." I Said not convincing him at all. "And how do I know if you're telling the truth?" He asked putting his hands in his pockets. "Calm down EJ she's an old acquaintance." Said a voice. I looked behind the boy and saw a very familiar creature. "Slender?" I called out only to have him appear before me. "Welcome back y/n. It's nice to see you again child." Said Slender in a happy tone. "Do you know her/him" asked EJ and Austin in unison. "We both met when y/n was 5. She was wondering around in the forest and had gotten lost. I helped her get home. She kept coming into the forest and we became good friends." Explained Slender. "That was until I became 10. I had no time to come back into the forest due to school and my parents constant abuse." I Said, my voice dropping at the end. "That is in the past my child. Now we only look forward to the future." Said Slender. "So she isn't a threat?" Asked EJ. "Not at all." Said Slender as he put on a pink, frilly apron. Austin muffle his giggles as he watched slender make breakfast in the apron. I handed Austin his plate and we both chowed down while I fed Max at the same time. "I don't think you ever mentioned you had any siblings." Said Slender as he flipped multiple waffles and pancakes. "Well they weren't really born until I stopped seeing you." I explained. "Oh really? How old are they?" He asked. "I'm 7." Said Austin with a mouthful of eggs. "And little max here is 2. Soon to be 3. He's still learning to walk." I said putting Max on the floor so he could crawl around and tire himself out. "Interesting.... I don't think I've ever been around such you kids." Said Slender. He picked up Max with one of his tentacles. He brought Max up to his face and Max poked his 'face'. "He has such small limbs and very little hair." He said putting him down. "Well duh. Max is a baby. Babies aren't born with much hair nor are they big. That would be painful..." Said Austin. I cringed a little at the end imagining what that would be like.

We finished our breakfast and Slender had finished making breakfast. He had set all the food on the table and EJ ate his plate of food. "That's a lot of food for just 4 guys." I Said looking at the many plates of food. "What do you mean? There are many people living here." Said Slender pouring himself a cup of coffee. "More?" I asked and without warning a stampede of people came in through the door. Me and Austin stood back and watched the many people file in and chow down on their food. Max began to shake in my hands and all of a sudden bursted out crying. I began to panic as all their heads turned towards us and I just nervously wave. "Morning y/n" Said Maskey, Hoodie, and Toby in unison. "M-morning..." I stuttered. "Who is she?!?" Yelled out a girl in a black dress. "Yeah! I don't remember any new pasta joining us!" Yelled out a girl in all pink. "Hey, she's kinda cute~" Said a link look alike. "Pfft, as if a girl like her would go out with a guy like you." Said a boy with a cut smile. "Do you know any of them besides the three boys?" Whispered Austin. "Not a clue." I whispered back. "Calm down children. She is an old friend who decided to come an visit. " Said Slender. "I think I'll go back to the room..." Said Austin as he awkwardly left the kitchen before sprinting back to the room.

"So What brings you to the mansion?" Asked Jane as we sat in the couch, Max in my hands. "Oh nothing really..." I said laughing nervously at the end. "It's nice to met another girl your age. I only have Clocky but she doesn't really talk to me as much as she use to." Said Jane. "I know how that feels. I don't really have any friends so I can relate." Jane seemed surprised at my comment " WHAT?!? That's impossible! How could a girl like you not have any friends? " I shrugged my shoulders and played around with Max. "Hm, you and that kid seem to be very close. " she said. I smiled and nodded my head. "Max is one of last pieces of family that I have left. " Said as I pinched Max's chubby cheek. He let out a small giggle and played around with my beanie. "So What about your other brother? " "Austin is a nice kid. My older sister always made fun of him since he was 'an ugly baby' and said that he could never get a girl to like him and he did a 360 on us and had a girl at the house every other day. I know he means well but I'm worried that he's gonna grow up and regret everything he's done to those poor girls." I let out a small sigh and looked down at Max. His beautiful e/c eyes are so pure and innocent. "Hey, dont worry. He had a great sister to look up to. I'm sure he'll find the right path sooner or later." Said Jane putting a hand on my shoulder. I flashed her a small smile and we continued to talk until noon.

At noon we had both gotten bored and decided to see what the boys were up to. We walked upstairs and heard many voices coming from our room. I was confused and opened the door. I saw Austin on the floor talking with Sally, BEN, Lulu, and Silver. "Making some friends now are we?" I asked in a happy tone. Austin glared at me and I let out a small chuckle. "Do you mind if I leave Max here with you? Me and Jane are gonna go see the boys and I don't want Max to be scared." I Said setting Max down beside Austin. "Yeah that's fine with me." Said Austin. I left the room and as I was closing the door I heard BEN whisper "dude your sisters hot." Followed with a loud smack. I giggled a little and me and Jane walked back down stairs and out the door. Jane led me to the forest and I heard loud voices within it.

A/n I'm sorry for not updating in over a month. I'm very busy with school and exams coming up. I tried making this chapter a little longer than the others for you guys. Anyways thank you for reading my book!

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