Stood's Retarded Stonermind

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Ladies and GentleFucks. I now show you my Stoner Me writing! :D Sober me usually has to find unpublished works and edit the living shit out of them! They're all like this!

One Week In. 

I was walking down the main road with my boyfriend and one of his really good friendss when my dad pulled over. He screamed at me to get in the car, to whsich i quickly did before he could completely open his door aand get out to drag me into the car.

I suffered 10 minutes of yelling, then suddenly a bipolar change and he was estatic to have me with him. It made me happy to have him so happy to see me.

Why me? the kid that fuckedhim ovrr so many times just in the past 12 monthhs? Stabbed and slit his heart open?

Blah ablah halh  i cried happiness dodododo.

next day my mom comes to my house at 8 am and not saying a word other than looking at me in despite and hate and all cold n shit. she took me to my school blasting music purposely ignoreing me (she never plays music loud, like never) she dropped me out not talking to me, took me straight home not talking to me and once we got back she put my withdrawl form on the counter, turned to me and said "I'd appriceate it if you dont fuck with this." and left.

What.... the hell! anyways that was yesterday. i didnt get in trouble for some unknown reason and now im out of school about to get a job. :) 

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2014 ⏰

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