Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Wake up Kara" said my foster mother Ms.Tinsley. "I don't wan't to go to school" I said mumbling into my pillow. "Would you like to go back to jail" she said. Even though my eyes were closed, I could tell she was crossing her arms and tapping her foot, waiting for my reply. "No" I said yawning. " Then get up before I pour ice cold water on you" she said with a daring tone. I knew she was serious, and I was going to be mad if she messed up my bed. " I'm up. I'm up" I said sitting up on my bed."Good. Now don't forget to be home on time so you can get ready to meet the faimly who is adopting you" she said happily as she sauntered out the door closing it behind her. Why was she so happy?

I'm not really up to meeting anyone today. Who adopts a seventeen year old? I really don't want to be adopted, because that means I will have new rules to follow. Everyone knows I only follow three rules. I hope these people are not those strict parents who don't let their kids do anything. That would be a problem. I took a twenty minute shower as all ways. I went to my closet and picked out a fresh pair of 1's, and oversized tee and some Boyfriend jeans. I decided to go with something chill for the day since I never know what physical activities I might partake in. My Corrections Officer (C.O) giving me money did have its perks. Even on my worst day I snatched souls. I left my hair in it's natural kinky curly state, not bothering to detangle on a weekday, because baby no one has time for that. I had about a good fifteen minutes before I had to get on the bus. I don't usually eat breakfast. So with a little time to spare, I pulled out the book of my life so I could write down some more info of whats going on with me. I don't do the whole "Dear Diary" thing it seems kind of fairytalish to me. I have been writing in the book of my life ever since I could read and write. It had everything from when I started at ten years old up until now. No one knows or will ever know about the book of my life. I don't like people knowing what goes on in my mind or how I think. I like to make people wonder.

Book Of My Life: Day 3,656:

I'm getting adopted today, and a part of me feels bad. I don't yearn for a family or parents like other children in the system do. I've never wanted to have a mom and dad to call my own. I don't wan't everything to change. I have been here all my life, and I will miss all my friends. The ones I do have at least. Mostly my corrections officer. Not just because he gives me money, but because he is the only person I trust. You know my rule, I trust no one, but he is an exception. He knows every detail about me and, he is the only adult I fully respect. He is my true faimly. So, leaving Miami means leaving my family and doing that makes me just as bad as the parents that left me behind the dumpster.

Sincerely, Kara

I closed the book, and slid it back under my pillow letting a tear fall down to my shirt as I scrambled to make up my bed. I had to be at the bus stop in five minutes. So I picked up my bag, and started to head out the door. "Bye Kara. Be home by 5:30, and have a great day" said Ms.Tinsley giving me a hug at the door. "Bye Ms.Tinsley, you too" I said not really being the hugging type. I walked out the door and down the driveway. Fast walking to the bus stop I got there just as my bus pulled up. "Welcome back Kara" said Mr.Woody my bus driver as I was walking up the bus steps. More like old man Woody. His hair is so grey I wonder how long he'll continue kicking. "Wait for me.! Don't leave" I turned to see my bestfriend Lexi running down the street towards the bus. Her blowed out hair, whipped around her face as she hurried as fast as she could. She was never on time, ever. I turned around with a chuckle and walked to the back of the bus plopping down in my seat. "You better sit your tail down Tyrik or get off my bus" yelled Mr. Woody in the air as he pulled off with Lexi barley making it through the doors. "Hey girl. Hows it going" said Lexi sitting down beside me. "Oh nothing much. Woke up, brushed my teeth, took a shower, put on some clothes, getting adopted tonight, and sitting on the bus now" I said quickly. Her brown eyes lit up in surprise at my ramble catching all of what I said. "Wait what? Say that again" she said facing me. " Sitting on the-" No the one before that" she demanded. " I'm getting adopted tonight. Well, officially. Basically the papers are signed and I refused to engage with any potential families before. I'm not even sure how this is allowed, but it most likely has something to do with my record." I said turning to face her. "Omg! Kara thats great. I wonder what they're like?" she said putting on her thinking face. "Not really, because I don't even know if they live in this state" I said in an annoyed tone. "Awe I'm really going to miss you. I really hope they don't live in another state. Wait, I hope they don't have rules. Omg, ew that was so nasty. I need some gum" she said digging in her purse. "Girl you're a fool" I said laughing. Yeah that's Lexi. Her parents are business people, and never home. She was practically raised by her house manager who also happens to be her God Father. So, she got to do whatever she wanted whenever she has enough courage to give him the slip. It's actually great that she has parents, and doesn't have to follow any rules, well not as many as any normal kid would. It's honestly the best of both worlds.

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