Chapter One - Scene Two

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Silver: *thinks: I hope he's okay. He seems down.* Gold? Are you okay?
Gold: uh... *lying* Yep. Totally fine! But... yeah it was weird. She could not take rejection!
Silver: Gold, what did you say to her?
Gold: I asked her if we could still be friends but... She flipped out and tried to kill me with a hammer!
Silver: *angry* WHAT?!
Gold: Just a reference.

 She flipped out and tried to kill me with a hammer!Silver: *angry* WHAT?!Gold: Just a reference

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Gold: Though she said she is through with the dexholders!
Silver: Gold.
You should have given her some time to calm down.
Gold: Oh well we have a bigger problem.
Silver: *getting a tiny bit angry* What else!
Gold: *brings out Crystal's Pokedex* She threw this on the ground.
Silver: We should tell the others about this.
Gold: Agreed.
Silver: *hugs Gold* It'll be fine.
Gold: *blushes, thinks: what just happened?!*

Chapter One, Scene two complete! The next scene is only one page long so it won't take long, the only issue is the amount of homework I'm getting *groan*.
Anyway hope you enjoyed!
Also... What is Gold referencing? Free virtual cookie for correct answer.


Pokemon Adventures: The Fandom Series Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now