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Thomas POV

I sipped my hot chocolate and smirked at my crazy friends as they attempted to decorate the tree a day before the actual holiday.

We were all at Maria's house because her house was the biggest since she got a lot of money after winning in court about her ex-husband's abuse. It was me, Jemmy, Aaron Burr, Maria, and Maria's string soulmate and girlfriend, this chick named Angelica Schuyler.

Aaron and Maria were trying to decorate the tree, Angelica was hanging mistletoe and other decorations around the house, and James was in the kitchen making food. I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing, so I was just watching everyone in amusement while drinking hot chocolate I stole from the kitchen.

We were all dressed up "to get in the Christmas spirit" as Maria put it.

I was wearing an ugly Christmas sweater with a mirror taped to the front, Jemmy had on this red and green elf costume, Aaron was supposed to be a snowman with white clothes drawn on with Sharpie to have buttons and a scarf, Maria had on a red and white sleeveless Santa dress and hat, and Angelica had a brown sweatshirt and leggings with a reindeer antlers headband.

For some reason, Burr had attempted to climb the 9 foot tall tree to put the star on top, and caused himself and the tree to fall over, almost squashing Maria in the process. Maria let out a groan at the broken glass now on her wood floor, and after the sound of glass shattering, James and Angelica were in the doorway right away.

Angelica spoke calmly, but with an undertone of anger. "What. Happened."

After a pause in which no one said anything, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I cleared my throat. "Burr was an idiot and almost flattened your girlfriend."

She raised an eyebrow and turned to Aaron. "What exactly happened?" She asked slowly, like we were kindergarteners.

He shrunk under her gaze and gnawed on his lip nervously. "Um, I tried to put the star on the tree and-"

"The tree fell," Maria interjected.

Angelica blinked slowly. "Well, I can see that," she chuckled softly.

Maria shrugged. "And that's all there is to it. No harm done."

Angelica glanced at the glass shards on the floor. "What about the ornaments?" She snickered.

Maria rolled her eyes playfully and looked like she was about to respond, but then the oven beeped.

James lit up. "The cookies!" He cheered before zooming into the kitchen.

We all exchanged glances before following him at a slower pace.

He set out a pan with gingerbread in many different shapes. He turned back to the oven to take out the ones carved like people while I grabbed a star shaped cookie and shoved it into my mouth.

"AAH!" I fanned my mouth even though I knew it wouldn't make any difference.

The four of them just stared at me like I was an idiot. Which I was.

Then Jemmy handed me a napkin, maybe to spit out the cookie, but I wasn't a quitter. Through great pain, I chewed and swallowed the cookie, then opened my mouth and showed them all my great accomplishment.

Angelica wrinkled her nose at me. "Shut your mouth, no one wants to see that."

Maria laughed. "Yeah, and you'll catch flies!"

I rolled my eyes, but shut my mouth anyway.

Just then, Aaron's phone rang. Angelica, being the closest, picked it up and checked it. "Shoot!" She exclaimed. "Aaron, we gotta go if we want to make it to the party in time."

I raised an eyebrow. "You two are going to a party?"

Angelica nodded. "One of our friends has this big Dirty Santa game every year and it's super fun."

"And cutthroat!" Aaron added.

I laughed. "Well, okay then, see you guys later?"

Angelica picked up her bag and nodded. "Yeah, see you tomorrow."

Aaron shouted from the front door. "Come on, Angelica! We got to get to Alex's party!"

She nodded and kissed Maria on the cheek. "Bye, babe,"

She followed after Aaron, exclaiming, "hold on, I'm coming! Don't get your panties in a twist!".

I laughed after them, then remembered something Aaron said. Alex's party. But Angelica said Alex was a guy. My Alex was a girl... right?

As if right on cue, I got a text.

Alex🌸: Merry Christmas, Thomas🎄

Wassup babes? Merry Christmas! If you don't celebrate Christmas, Merry Random Sunday! Kind of a long filler chapter but oh well you guys deserve it. Margelica is like my fav ship so sorry if you don't ship it but um I kind of happen to be the author, sorry, :).

Anyway, hope y'all have a good day and get to spend time with your families or friends! Until next time!

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