Worlds apart

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 "This world is full of discovery's and many yet to be discovered though some things we may truly never comprehend unless we can connect to someone or thing that can teach us how to advance from our primitive technology to something that is yet to be invented or created"


Dreams can be so sweet but so sour at the same time even when your sleeping, senses still working even though your soul drifts to the dream realm. My name is Ellie Young , I'm 16 years old and in six year at Somerset high school in Glasgow. I have an small apartment to myself because my mum started dating a weirdo not even a year divorced from my dad and I can't even stay with him because he moved away to Florida and I won't get my American membership until my seventeen because I still haven't got my letter back for the authorities so I had no option but to get this apartment. The rent is quite cheap it was Shadow, my best friend, the one who my mum goes mad with me if I mention him because he talks to me, see I don't have any friends and my mum says I'm crazy because 'no ones there' but I hear him, he helps me and speaks to me when I'm lonely but not to long ago my mum threatened me by going to put me in an Asylum so I'm trying to ignore Shadows consent persistence with his thoughts wanting to know why I'm ignoring him...

I don't know what's reality or imaginary anymore, maybe I have just lost the plot now or being connect to shadow is something I  may truly never comprehend....


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