Chapter 19- Accident

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My eyes weakly fluttered open and looked around me, the only things in site were machines, and nurses with concerned expression so painted on their faces.

"She's awake," one called out. Two more nurses came waltzing in.

"You've very lucky to be alive, miss... miss?"

"My n-name is Amelia Parkinson," I stuttered.

"Well you're very lucky, Miss Parkinson," another nurse spoke writing something down in her note book.

"What do you mean, I'm lucky to be alive? What happened? I'm confused, I want to go home!" I yelled, crying as I tried to stand up and break free from the wires.

One of the nurses, grabbed my arm and forced me back down then another nurse did the same with my opposite arm. All of a sudden my brother burst through the door and ran over to me. What the, is this some sort of drama tv show.

"What happened to her?!" he yelled, worriedly.

"Well, we don't know exactly what happened or the cause how ever a pedestrian was walking by and found her unconscious in a very cold pond, with bruises down her back and minor wounds at the back of her head, causing slight bleeding. If she was under that water for another minute or so she would have died, luckily that didn't happen," the doctor explained.

Wow, I nearly died...

Max's POV

"Max the phone is ringing, can you get it please!" My mum called.

I strolled into the living room and picked up the phone, Amelia's brother was on the other end.

"Max, please come to the hospital as soon as possible, Mil is hurt!" He stuttered, it sounded like he was crying.

"What do you mean?!"

"I'll explain everything when you get here, now hurry!"

He ended the call and I ran quicker than sonic into the kitchen where Mum was washing the dishes.

"Mum! Mum! Mum! AmeliaIsHurtWeNeedToGetToTheHospitalAsSoonAsPossible!"

"Slow down max!"

"Amelia is hurt, please can you drive me to the hospital!"

"Yes of course. Harvey, look after Leo and Tilly for me!" She yelled.

We got into the car and drove faster than you can say oof. We may have gone through some red lights, oops?

Amelia's POV

"Amelia! Amelia!," Max said as he burst through the door. I sat up and he started to cry.

"I'm so sorry A-Amelia, I shouldn't have reacted the way I did, t-his is my fault!" He said between sobs.

"No, no max! This is not you're fault! It's Dustin's, he did this to me..." I said whispering the last part.

"He what?!" Max said getting angry.

"You know what never mind, I need to, um, rest. Yeah rest, it's getting late. It's like 9pm," I said trying to calm him down as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Uhh, Harry, Mum. Would it be okay if I stayed with Amelia tonight to keep her company?" Max asked.

"Well if it's Okay with Harry and Amelia then sure," Sara said looking over at my brother.

Harry paused and looked at Sara, then at me, then Max.

"Well... Okay fine, but keep her safe. I'm putting my trust in you Max." Harry said, still unsure whether he'd made the right decision.

"Don't worry I will take care of her," Max said smiling.


I lay there in the dark, it was midnight. Max asleep on the small seat next to me with his fingers still intertwined with mine. I looked up at the plain ceiling in the silence. I sat up a little and Max opened an eye.

"What's up love," he said sleepily as he sat up too.

"Oh, uhm, nothing..."

"Amelia what's wrong? Please tell me," he pouted.

"Okay... I just have these fears of hospitals since my mum died in one, plus they are quite scary when it's all dark-k," I stuttered as a small tear turned into a lot more than one.

"Shh, shh, it's okay I'm here with you, don't cry," he hugged me and I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed. I pulled back and smiled. He put his thumb on my cheek and wiped the tears away.

"Will watching some YouTube make you feel a bit better?" He said and I giggled and I nodded. We both lay back down and he held the phone which displayed an old vine compilation.

Max's POV

9 minutes into the video, Amelia fell asleep. She's cute when she sleeps. Soon after I felt myself drifting off.

The next day

I slowly opened my eyes and glanced at Amelia who was sleeping calmly, with her mouth slightly open but it's cute. She's cute.

I smiled to myself and got up throwing a hoodie on, leaving my shoes behind, I left her room and set off for the canteen in the main service area thing.

I walked through the double doors and made my way to the counter, when I felt somebody's hand on my shoulder.


"Hey, why are you here maxi?" I cringed when she called me 'maxi'. Holly is my ex, and we are completely over. And I don't love her anymore. Well... ugh nevermind.

"My girlfriends here so yanno"

"Oh cool,"

Her eyes are so gorgeous, and her hair, and her lips and-

Holly stepped forwards and kissed me, I didn't pull away, I don't know why. I don't like her, do I?

Amelia's POV

The sun beamed through the small window begins my small hospital bed, and my eyes forced themselves open. I looked to the left of me and max was gone. I sat up and decided to go look for him and pick up some food from the canteen.

I slipped on some fluffy socks and decided to ditch my shoes, I mean, who needs shoes right?

I looked around the mostly empty canteen and noticed max was in the corner by some tables... with some...bitch.

I stomped over to them and slapped Max's cheek to America and back.

"A-Amelia it's not what it looks like"

"What the fuck do you mean 'oh iTs NoT wHaT iT lOoKs LIkE' it's exactly what it looks like, I'm not stupid,"

"Let me explain,"

"No max, I trusted you, I really did. Forget it,"

"Thank you for giving m-"

"No, I mean forget us. Your still the old max. I thought you changed but your the same person I met on the first day of school. I don't want to see or hear from you ever again. Okay?" I turned my back and acted strong but I really wasn't, I was completely broken, I thought Someone actually liked me for once. I began to walk away and max put his hand on my shoulder.


I shoved his hand off.

"Goodbye max, goodbye"

Goodbye.// Max and Harvey FFWhere stories live. Discover now