New years special x(goku,vegeta,Gohan)

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Goku wanted you to take you somewhere special, but you never knew where.
On your way there one of his hands were covering your waist , the other covering your eyes .
"Are we nearly there yet?" You complained while laughing .
"Hmmm open your eyes now ." Goku exclaimed.
The only thing you could see was nimbus .
" jump on this , it will feel better on the journey "he said with his hand scratching the back of his head.
"You know I can fly right ?"
" yeah I do, I'm not that dumb just trust me."
He answered giving you his famous smile .
You smiled and climbed on nimbus , with him following your lead.
Couples minutes later you started feeling tired so you started to rest your head on his chest.
'Mmmm his body feels nice' your thoughts were turning wild whe——
" We're here!"
Goku shouted .
You was really high up in the sky and the only thing you could think about was you , him and the stars shining in the sky.
While you was looking up at the sky you started to see different colours flashing up and making sounds .
" wow Goku look at the fireworks." You exclaimed cheerfully .
" yeah I know I planned it ,"
You turned around only to see his hands holding yours gently .
" Vegeta told me that a girlfriend is someone that's special in your life and a person that's female, you make me feel special so would you like to be my spec— ah my girlfriend?"
You could tell he didn't know what he was talking about because he's Goku, your Goku.
"Absolutely" you said while jumping on him giving him a hug.
" umm can I do something that Vegeta told me to do ?" He asked with his face heating up.
" yeah go ahead."
His hands gently grabbed your chin and gave you the sweetest kiss.
" Happy New Years y/n ." Announced Goku
. "Same to you , love you Goku."
" love you to y/n."


Vegeta maybe was a serious person but he was never clueless to love.
" I can't believe I'm gonna do this to a human ." He said while mumbling his breath .
" is everything alright Vegeta, your mumbling stuff again." You asked while laughing.
" yh everything is alright women!"
" you know my name is y/n you idiot."
" yeah y/n" he answered.
" are you sure your not sick or something your saying my name,"
You ran up to him checking his temperature
" see your ill your face is heating up like crazy"You replied
" maybe because your boobs are up in my face women."
You quickly moved away from him .
" hehe sorry veggie, so what's the matter?"
" nothing just be ready before 9 and dress sexy as always ." He said while walking off.
You face started heating up ' I wonder what's going through his mind' you wondered .

At 9 you heard a knock on the door,
'It must be him you thought '
When the door open you could feel both of your faces heated up .
You was dressed in a blue bodycon dress while he was wearing a black suit with a blue tie.
"Here wom—— y/n."
He said while giving you a boutique of flowers.
" thank you Vegeta their wonderful ,"
You replied by giving him a hug.

While you were walking you couldn't help by being curious about where you both were going .
"Are we there yet Vegeta ," you asked with your arm wrapped around him .
"Soon be patient women." He replied then gave you a sly smile .
'I wonder what's making him so cheerful , but it's good to see him happy once in a while'
He felt your grip get tighter on his arm then he gently wrapped his fingers around yours .
Both of you could feel your cheeks heating up .
"Ummm, We're here."
"Wow this is beautiful." You couldn't help to say.
It was a grassy area , with flowers and a huge waterfall . You couldn't hear any noise at all it was so quiet.
" it's a place I come when I get annoyed with humans,"
"So why bring someone annoying like me here." You giggled.
" your special in some way and shh and come sit down ." The prince of all sayains applied .
You sat down on a mat and could finally take in on how handsome Vegeta actually was.
His eyes were always serious but sexy at the same time.
There was awkward silence until-
"Women do you wanna date!"
"Pardon." You said while laughing  , you couldn't believe what he was saying .
"You heard what I said ,"
" y/n do you want to go out ." Vegeta asked
"Obviously veggie !"you said then jumped on him hugging tightly.


Gohan had taken you to his house for a study date and you couldn't help but wonder why he would like to study on New Year's Eve.
"Gohannnn, can we do something funnn it's almost 2018 you know," you Moaned ( don't think dirty children.)
"I'm not getting younger here."
" your still gonna be beautiful." He mumbled Just so quiet so you wouldn't be able to hear him .
"Huh did you say something?"
You asked curiously.
"Ahh nothing y/n,"
"Wait actually, you said you wanna do something fun I have something in mind."
Gohan exclaimed .
"Really what is it?" You asked while hopping around .
"We're gonna play dates, are you up for it?"
Before you answered you noticed something weird about Gohan.
' I wonder why he's smirking so much' you thought .
"Yeah I'm up for it , you go first ."
You replied .
"Have you ever had your first kiss?"Gohan asked out of the blues.
"Ummm actually I haven't why?"
You took one look at him , when he gently grabbed your chin and pulled you in for a kiss.
You could feel your cheeks getting heated up after every second .you gently started kissing back when he whispered
" Happy New Years."

( I don't own dragon ball z or the characters only the plot .)

Future Trunks


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