Chapter 3 - First Day

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Chapter 3 - First Day

*Chae rin's POV*

I finally arrived at the room where i am staying. It was typically so high class that it's too perfect for a student to stay. There are 2 beds, cabinet's and study table. The bathroom has 2 showers and a tub It's better than i thought it would be. I also met my room mate, Luna. She seems nice and friendly. She has been studying in this school for about 6 years now. And it's her first time taking the dorms since it's compulsory for every high school student.

"Finally! I've been dying to have a room mate ever since last month, since my last room mate transferred out." She said.

"Ohh Jinja?" I chuckled.

"Neh, i started staying here 3 months ago. Due to my parent's decision." She exclaimed. I just nodded slowly in reply. "Hmm.. So why did you plan to study here?" She asked while grinning.

"My mom's decision, it's a long story though." I smiled and ended it with a laugh.

"Arasso, what school are you from?" She asked.

"Hmm.. Riverside Country day middle school in Gyeongsang." I replied.

"Omo Riverside?!! Jinja?!! Wait, so you are the one who has been talked about by the teacher's!" She shouted with an unbelievable face as she covers her mouth. I'm a bit confused of what she is saying..

"Haha neh, waeyo? Is there something wrong?" I asked confusingly.

She gulped hard and exhaled as she shakes her head sideways. "Aahh... Anii nothing's wrong.. It's that you really are genius to have an IQ of more than 100." She said while rubbing her chin.

I just nodded slightly. "Ohh.. Kamsahamnida." I answered shyly. I just don't want to spread on how smart i am. I just want to live simple and a normal life here. I continued to scan the room as i head to the cabinet and saw 4 set's of my school uniform, And 2 sets of pe uniform. The school uniform's color is dark blue. And the inside top, is white with a dark blue ribbon and the skirt which is also dark blue and high waist. The pe's shirt is dark grey with a big dark blue circle logo on the middle with dark blue jogging pants. I just realized it's all dark blue. As i was holding one of the uniforms, there is a piece of paper that i found and it wrote, "Enjoy, your stay here Ms. Chae rin." It said as i hold it. This school is very thoughtful.

"I can't wait for more exciting and extraordinary things heading on the way in this school." I thought.

"Ohh you have a uniform already!! That's great! It looks so good on you! So do you know what class are you belong to?" She asked while tilting her head.

"Hmm.. It doesn't sound so surprising if you will be part of class A" she continued and ended it with a chuckle while i planted my uniform facing the mirror.

"Haha I will be in Class B actually." I grinned widely. "Jeongmal?!! Wae? So it means were in the same class! Hooray!" She smiled happily.

"Neh, I don't really know.. But it would be better if were classmates, i don't really mind what class i'm in." I humbly replied.

"Haha jinja?! Your a one great friend Chae rin-ah!" She smiled and hugged me. "But i think i know why you belong to class B. I guess it's because it would be rude if you jumped or barged in to Class A since you transferred and you might get bash in school and it will make you feel bad or even worse on your first day." She exclaimed.

"Hmm.. Jeongmallo? Gwaenchanha! I'm not really aiming to be part of that class. But i appreciate being in Class B." I smiled widely.

"Haha arasso." She nodded. "Not only your smart, but your humble too." She complimented.

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