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I hummed as I connected the wires, a huge smile on my face which showed pride. "Alright!" I leaned over and took my old-fashioned camera, setting it down and pointing it at me. I ran a hand through my hair before letting my finger fall on the record button.

"Take 34! After many tests and effort, I have made the 34th version of a long-term machine based on Artificial Intelligence." I smiled at the camera as I licked my lips slowly. "I hope it works.." I turned to the small machine on the table, my eyebrow raised only a little. As I reached for the machine, its eyes suddenly turned green and a soft tune was hearable.

"Gah!" I fell back and sighed, then a small chuckle came out of my mouth.

"Hello Sir, how could I help you today?" I slowly sat up and looked at the small machine, which head was turned to me. "Wait, what?"

"Define wait... Wait defined, completing task."

"Oh no! No no, you work!" I said, quickly getting up as I smiled brightly. My face showed off joy mixed with a little bit of pride. "Okay okay, er... What are your features?" I wanted to make sure everything was included; it was more important than only seeing the machine worked.

"My creator has made me to calculate chances, connect to servers and networks, absorb and define information, making lists and matrices; but also to complete conversations and tasks."

I gasped and stared at the small machine in front of me, my eyes widen and my hands in front of my mouth. "That's right!" I nodded and clapped my hands, the grin on my face only growing.

It was going well now: It knew how to define words and its features; although, I will have to test these features out. I rubbed my chin as I walked through the dusty laboratory, thinking of my next step and decision. It was important that this machine could do everything I coded it for, especially the human part in it.

"What networks are open?" I asked the machine as I stopped walking, my eyes focusing on the machine in expectation. I was wondering what the machine would say, if they knew what I meant and if they found the right services. I programmed the robot to act like a human 'slave', an assistant. It needed to work as it has a human brain and human mind, as it had human feelings and human thoughts. Therefore, it needed to understand what I was saying and fulfil the tasks I gave it.

"Sir, there are in this room 5 devices I am able to connect with: Your laptop, your phone, the computer, your smart watch and the tablet. Other devices are locked," the robotic voice declared after it was done calculating and checking. It made me smile and grin widely, licking my thick lips as my light skinned fingers ran through my messy hair. I did such a good job.

"What is your name?" I rubbed my chin gently, staring at the machine as I thought deeply. A name... I needed a name that I could call this machine, this robot. Whenever I refer to it, present it or call him to get online, I needed to know what to say.

"Defining 'name'... I don't have one, sir." I nodded and sighed, scratching my cheek a little.

This machine was based on AI, Artificial Intelligence, but it was different from the other inventions. This machine would serve as an assistant, a helper and learn things due to voices and seeing of actions. As if this machine lived, as if it was a real human being: A child that I brought into this world.

"Living Artificial Intelligence... L.A.I for short," I whispered, then my face started to shine and a huge smile appeared.

"Your name will be Lai, okay?"

Case 379: Another LightWhere stories live. Discover now