Shadow City

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Chapter 1: Cold rooms

I laid on my cold bed staring at my ceiling blankly. I could hear the thumping rain on the ceiling and drizzling on my windows. The shadows were near by. They love the darkness and rain. The first time they came was twelve years ago. I was four, my mom was a hunter and my dad was a wizard. Many people try to capture them, but die trying. I took in a deep breath, breathing in the cold mist. It was a harsh memory. Claire, my cat, laid on my chest purring as I felt her warmth. Over all the city noises, I heard a small thumping down the hall. It became closer and closer. I sat up straight making Claire fall. My fists clenched tight under my blue blanket. The door knob slowly turned as the door creaked open. A small face with big blue eyes peeped through the crack. "Lydia?" Said a small voice. I sighed then smiled. Kat, my little sister, opened the door wide. "Hey, what are you doing up so late?" I asked. "I had a bad dream". She walked over slowly and sat on my lap. "Your okay, what happened in your dream?". "There was a girl, she looked like you Lydia, then there was a boy, he was wearing black, they were in an alley, then I forgot the rest, but I know something happened" she explained. Kat cuddled with Claire until she was asleep. I carried her to her room and tucked her in. She looked like an angel asleep. I kissed her forehead and placed her bear under her arm. Her breathing was small and gentle. I quietly walked out of her room. What had she meant about something bad happening? I walked into my room, but someone was there. "Hey what's up?". As my eyes slowly adjusted, the figure came closer and tucked a hair behind my ear. "I came to check on you and you weren't here, I was scared for a second". I recognized that voice anywhere. I rolled my eyes. "I can protect myself, I was just putting Kat in bed" I answered. "Another bad dream?" He asked. "Yup, I'm kinda starting to get worried" I said. Just so I can clarify, Alex is my best friend, he's always been with me. Especially when my parents passed away. He was a big help. On the outside he was quiet yet strong, but on the inside he's a big teddy bear! "Night" I said. "Night" he answered.

Chapter 2: Crazy family

I woke up with a coldness on my right side. The covers were falling off and I saw no sign of Claire. I scrambled out of bed, walked over to my mirror and stared into my blue eyes. People always said i was pretty but I never really actually believed it. I used to have long brown hair but once my parents died, i chopped it off with a knife and dyed it a light blue because, why not? I know it's weird for a four year old. My roots were starting to loose color and my hair was growing out. If I had to describe my style I'd say pastel goth. I'm not actually goth but I do dress like it. My nails were black and my clothes were black, yet also colorful, if that makes sense. Today I just wore a long white hoodie, black tights and light pink boots with spikes on the toes. Nothing special. I walked down the concrete path and could already smell pancakes and syrup. Yum. The moment I walked into the cafeteria I could see kids smiling and talking. They were happy to be at such an extraordinary school. Shadow academy only excepted the best wizards, witches, hunters, fairies, magic users, I could go on for eternity. That was why our parents trained us hard. So we could all be together. I sat down next to Alex, my older sister Autumn, older brother Daren, little sister Kat, little brother Jacob, my friend Lucy and my twin Leo. We had a very big family, and with our parents gone, it was harder for us. We were all in separate grades but everyone on the campus ate together. That's why our cafeteria is extremely large. We're all biologically siblings, but the weird thing is that we all look NOTHING alike. Autumn has orange hair, blue eyes, Daren has black hair blue eyes, Kat, blonde hair blue eyes, and finally, Jacob blue hair green eyes. Me and Leo look exactly alike except our hair. We both have pale skin, natural brown hair with small red blonde stripes, and literally the bluest eyes you will ever see in your life. And of course we all had different abilities, and magic too. So far we had no food fights or arguments. Everything was going well until... BOOM! "OWWW!" Screamed Kat. I looked over and saw Jacob tugging on Kats hair. "That bacon was mine and you knew that!" Yelled Jacob. Kat bit Jacobs arm then pushed him off his chair. I could see small tears forming in the eyes. "THAT HURT!" He wailed. "Well that's what happens when you steal my bacon..." She said said in a sassy voice. I sighed. "Guys stop it, the school has already charged us with six hundred dollars for breaking the gym last year..." I said. "Lydia is right guys". Everyone looked over and saw Dash. Our adopted sister. Right behind her was Cloud. ANOTHER ADOPTED SIBLING. I know what your thinking. How on earth can two parents want seven kids? Don't ask me. It just gets worse. Next another small figure walked in. And as you can imagine, yes. Another sibling. Wendy, Dash and Cloud were all triplets. They all had the same green eyes and bright silver hair. "We can't keep fighting like this guys, we're family, we need to get along" said Dash. "Why were you guys late?" Asked Darren. "Cloud and Wendy were in a video game war zone" she answered. "Ohhh" said everyone at the exact same time. "Il just take a plate, the bells about to ring anyways, bye guys" Wendy walked out. I had a crazy family but I love them anyways. We were all so different. That was what made every day of our lives so interesting!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2017 ⏰

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