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CHRISTMAS DAY HAD ARRIVED and Nita found herself sitting on Paulo's couch, discussing boy and girl names with Alicia while Paulo was out at the airport to pick up his two brothers-Mariano and Gustavo-who had just arrived in Turin while their mother, Alicia, arrived one day before them, eager to see her youngest and Nita once again.

The two of them were bonding just like a mother and daughter would, but even better. Better than the bond Nita and Regina shared, when they even shared a bond. Alicia and Nita were talking about Antonella. When Paulo would get back, they would discuss baby names for the twins that were due in less than 4 months.

"I'm happy for him. I really am, and it's selfish for me to say this because I've known Paulo for what, 4 months? And Antonella has known him forever, but I just feel like his main focus will be on her for now on. I really liked the relationship we had. It's not an ordinary relationship where he got me pregnant from a one night stand, I've never had sex before! And now, I just feel like Antonella will come in between everything," she sighed, she didn't know why she was telling Alicia. Truth is, Alicia wasn't very fond of Antonella either, but if her son was happy, she was too.

Paulo widened his eyes as he entered is apartment with his 2 brothers following him. Although Nita was in the living room, she was loud enough from the entrance. Paulo just shook it off. He didn't want to talk about relationships on Christmas while his family was here. "Madre, we're home!" Mariano Dybala called out, Alicia got up and so did Nita.

Paulo, Mariano, and Gustavo entered Paulo's living room, where Nita and Alicia were. Paulo smiled at Nita who smiled back. They all did their greetings. "So is this the beautiful Nita my dumb brother got knocked up?" Gustavo asked as he hugged Nita. Nita chuckled nervously.

Paulo rolled his eyes and Alicia hit Gustavo's arm. "Shut up, you know I didn't get her knocked up. Remember the whole Antonella and Giovanna situation?" Gustavo nodded and Mariano cringed when he heard Antonella's name. Gosh, why was his brother back with her?

"Just wondering, but is Antonella coming with us to ski tour?" Mariano asked. He wondered what would happen if Antonella and Nita were going to be together for awhile, all hell would break loose. Of course Antonella was jealous of Nita, she was having a child with her boyfriend-the child that she should've had. Now, she tried to get pregnant but Paulo said one kid was too much for him.

Paulo nodded. "Yeah, I hope you guys don't mind though," he said, looking at Nita who just shrugged. She truly didn't care, it was Antonella and Paulo forever. Nita had no place.

"Well, I kinda do mind..." Mariano said, Gustavo agreeing. Paulo gave him them both a stern look. "What?! You know I have a problem with her!" Mariano replied.

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