Part 1

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A/N: This is from the universe of The Beginning of Forever. Some little tidbits that came to our minds when we were writing Part 1. Part 2 is coming soon! I promised some people! BTW, Bella is the daughter of our Rev! boys. 


"Come on Papa's little nightshade!" Edd coos at his daughter as he lifts her up above his head. Luna gurgles happily and claps her hands. "Let's have some play time while Papa cooks lunch okay?" Edd grins at the baby and kisses her nose before placing her in her Pack-N-Play. "Now be a good girl for Papa alright?"

Jim slowly wakes up from his nap as he smells lunch being cooked. He sits up and slides out of bed to go potty before calling out to Edd to help him down the stairs. "Papa!!"

Edd's ears perk up and he goes up to help his son. "Yes, my little pear?" he grins.

"Hang on, I comin'!" Jim held onto the lowered railing and made his way down the stairs.

Edd giggles as he watches the small boy waddle down the stairs. "Careful, careful!" he chants worriedly.

Jim made it to the last stair and jumped down, looking up at his Papa and cheerfully cheering "Ta-Da!" before wrapping his arm around one of Edd's legs.

"Big boy! Good job!" Edd cheers. He picks Jim up and spins him around then covers him in kisses. "Ohhh, I wish you'd stop growing! You're getting to be such a big boy now!"

"Imma get big like Daddy, Papa! And supa smart like you!" Jim says happily.

Edd fights back a snicker and pulls out his phone and starts recording "What did you say, little pear?"

"Big! Like Daddy! And supa smart like Papa!"

"Good boy!" he giggles as he puts the phone away. "Come on and let's go eat. Papa made your favorite!" he says, holding his hand out for the toddler to take.

Jim grabs his hand and walk alongside Edd the best he could. They get to the kitchen and Edd releases Jim's hand but he follows Edd anyway until he spies Zoie coming into the kitchen to get a drink. "Zoie..." Jim totters over, petting her gently like his Daddy taught him. "Hi Zoie!"

Zoie sighs happily and licks the toddler's face. Edd smiles at the exchange as he places Jim's food on the table. "Ready for lunch, Jim?"

Jim tips over a little bit but grabs Zoie's collar to steady himself and walks with her over to her food dish as Edd refills it. "Good girl!" Jim pats her neck and walks over to his chair and waits to be lifted.

Edd chuckles then lifts Jim and places him in his booster seat. "Guess what Papa made for his Prickly Pear!"

"Mac n cheese?!" he asked excitedly before Edd puts his plate down in front of him. "Papa... what's the green stuff?" he asks, poking at the broccoli.

"It's big boy sprinkles. It'll make you grow up big and strong like Papa!" Edd grins proudly.

Jim accepts the answer and starts to eat, swinging his little feet back and forth. Zoie finishes her food and goes to sit next to the small human, waiting for food that she knows will be dropped. Shira, who was sitting with Luna, trots over and sits on the other side of Jim, waiting patiently. Jim gives a small giggle before giving each dog a noodle each.

"Jim..." Edd warns "Are you feeding the dogs your lunch?"

"Justa 'oodle!" the toddler defended.

"Jim, the dogs shouldn't eat noodles" Edd says with an entertained sigh.

"But they like them, Papa...?" Jim sighs "Sorry Zoie, Sorry Shira."

"Here, give them these treats instead" Edd says handing Jim a couple of small dog cookies. Both dogs take the treats very softly and take care to not get any little fingers with their teeth. Jim giggled and petted them after the treats where eaten.

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