Part 2

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A/N: Okay, this one takes place before Luna is born when Jim is just a little ball of baby fat. This is also the result of a lot of late night talks with your friends about their own experiences with child rearing :D


Edd trudges in through the back door with a heavy sigh. "I'm home Kevin!" he calls out to his husband as his messenger bag hits the floor.

"Hey babe!" Kevin greets him with a smile and a kiss all while bouncing a 6-month-old baby on his hip.

"Hey..." Edd sighs. "I trust you both had a good day?"

"For the most part. He was fussy this morning after you left but he seems a bit better now after his nap" Kevin explains as Jim reaches out for Edd with a whine. "He just wants you" Kevin pouted.

Edd grabs Jim and rubs his face against the strawberry hair. "Papa missed you too my little peach!" he coos to the baby. "I can't help that I'm the favorite parent, Kevin" he giggles with a toothy grin. Jim suddenly reaches up and snatches Edd's beanie off of his head and covers his own face with it. "Wha-hey! That's mine!" Edd gently tugs the hat away from his son but the infant gives a defiant wail and clutches the fabric in his fingers. "Fine, you can have it. But only until dinner nap time" Edd pouts.

Jim giggles and reaches his free hand out for Kevin while still clinging to the hat with all of his baby might. "I see your true colors, James. You only love me for my hat!" The baby's papa mutters with another pout.

"I, personally, think he is sick..." Kevin mutters. "I'm telling ya, he's been fussy and cranky all day and even now he's not in the best mood." Kevin looks down to Jim, watching his chew on Edd's hat and his fist at the same time with vigor.

"You think he's teething?"

"Maybe? I haven't seen any buds yet but I'm sure they'll come soon. I heard Bella sprouted her first tooth and she's giving Eddward hell.... I hope James isn't like that" Edd chuckles as he scratches his son's chin.

"Nah, we're normal. Things will go nice and smooth for us!" Kevin grins.

"I sure hope so, it's already hard enough right now. It'd be nice to have an easy parenthood with Jim" Edd ponders with a thoughtful expression.

Jim started to fuss and whine before letting loose and loud cry. Kevin sighed "Here we go again..." and starts to coo to the fussy and crabby baby. Edd surrounds Jim from the other side and whispers softly to the sandwiched baby. Jim settles down a little but continues to pout. "You just have to surround him with love" Edd grins.

"I still think he likes you better" Kevin pouts again, looking like Jim.

"Aww... You're both so adorable!" Edd giggles. "Maybe he'll grow to like you."

"I hope not... can you handle two of me?" Kevin asks putting the baby down in the living room to play with toys and follow Edd to the kitchen.

"Well, I'm pretty sure I can handle it" Edd grins. "Do you want to see how well I can?" he asks suggestively.

"I do... but Jim is in the next room..."

"I'll be quick... and quiet" Edd winks.

Kevin grins and leans against the counter, leaning in for a kiss "Well then by all means, show me what ya got."

Edd quickly kisses Kevin's lips then drops to his knees, unzipping the ginger's pants and palming his hardening cock. "It's been a few days, I can't seem to remember how you look under these clothes" he teases.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2017 ⏰

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