Chapter 1 - Euro Royals?

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Lucy made a connection as her eyes singled out a pair of eyes across the crowded bar. A shiny badge reflected flashes of light from the retro disco ball dangling above the dance floor. Looking more closely, she pondered whether or not this uniformed police officer was going to bust her, throw her out, or close down the bar for misuse of its liquor license by serving underage customers. But surely not, she rationalized as he strode closer and closer, reasoning that the bar tenders served her group of thirty college students all the time, all day every day for several days so far in their three week stay at the vintage, reasonably priced ski resort hotel. 

She was nervous by the time the incredibly handsome Pierre Lecroix introduced himself. Unable to resist his charming French accent, conservative Lucy Andrews decided to take a chance, which she never did, and accompany him outside to the hotel terrace. The two settled at a small table in an intimate corner for an intro conversation. A nearly eighteen year old college coed traveling the month between semesters, Lucy explained her situation, her escape from her abusive boyfriend back home at her university in the United States.

Then it was Pierre's turn. Was it just a tired old come-on line or did she really remind him of a woman from his past? His evasiveness about the lady's name whetted Lucy's curiosity, causing her to wonder who. On the other hand, thirty year old Pierre was perfectly open about his twelve year old daughter, whom he said resembled him in appearance. Then he suggested that Lucy and he get together the following night. She took a chance and accepted. He walked her to her room and kissed her goodnight outside her door. When she finally recovered and caught her breath, he was no where to be seen.

Alone in her hotel room, Lucy journaled about how, that morning, on the white-knuckled bus ride up the steep mountain to the long established French Alpe-d’Les Ecrins Ski Resort, the cumbersome vehicle had miraculously negotiated endless hairpin turns along abysmal edges of precipitous cliffs in the near darkness. Having finally arrived safely, she had settled into her room for nearly a month of ski lessons and French classes for college credits during the winter break. Then she wrote about Pierre.

The next weekend, the couple was alone aboard a ski tram for which Pierre had arranged an after hours ride. He aimed a flashlight at a petite star brooch in a ring box. The diamond center was surrounded by the star’s five points, crafted with a colorful collection of what appeared to be genuine gems of royal quality. He pinned it on her and tiny rainbow spectrums began to dance around the interior of the cable car, like lights reflected off a disco ball. Mesmerizing! "This is for you, Lucy, to always remind you of this night of star gazing. Always keep it close to your heart." It made her wonder what her possibilities might be with Pierre, if only she did not have to return to California!

By their last weekend, the time had come for the couple to say their good byes and they had the hotel veranda all to themselves that Sunday morning. Pierre got down on one knee and produced an impressive marquis diamond set in silver. "This is gorgeous, Pierre!" He slid the ring onto Lucy's finger, declaring, "We have not known each other long, but I love you, Lucy. Marry me! Please say yes!"

There was a honk in the street below and his ride ran up the stairs, apprizing Pierre of a murder down the mountain in Paris. After they sped away, Lucy requested her mail from the front desk. The concierge, whose name tag read "Manuel Castillano," was quite helpful. The following day, Lucy checked out and traveled back down to Grenoble on her way to Paris. En route, she discovered that a rectangular pendant had been slipped into her backpack.

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