Chapter 27

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A wave of disappointment crashed over her as she realized her mistake. It was only Donngal. Her feelings switched to relief as she began to have hope again. As her cousin continued to threaten Lord Munster, the pressure on her neck disappeared. Using the dagger strapped to her wrist as a shield she pushed the blade away from her face. With a smooth motion, she stepped away from her attacker, retrieving her sword at the same time. She faced Trian. To her surprise, he was smiling.

"You canna do anything to harm me. I be a lord of a Clan."

Disgust flicked across Donngal's face. "He be right, me lady. If we hurt him the people of Munster will seek revenge."

"I could banish him from the Clan's territory."

Trian laughed; a cruel and harsh sound. "Will you ban me assassins from entering as well? For the rest of your life, you will live in fear. The darkness will terrify you; the quiet unnerve you. Then one day death will strike, but not with its usual speed. Nay, your death will be drawn out and painful. It will..." Donngal slammed him over the head with his hilt. Trina let out a moan and went limp.

Her cousin sheathed his sword. "That man doesna know when to stop talking."

Rowen let out a short laugh. "He does present a problem, though."

"Well, me lady, you could always take him back home and warn him away."

"But what of his threats? Do you think they be empty?"

He glanced at the unconscious lord. "With him, it be hard to say. I dona know to tell you, me lady. He has done it before, but it was in his own clan."

"Would he risk being found out just for revenge?"

Her cousin looked at her. "We be Irish, me cousin, nothing would surprise me with him." Rowen looked at the former Lord Maverick, something had changed with him. Gone was the brooding dark man, here stood something she would call a friend. She went over the past couple of days to try and find the moment when her doubt had turned to trust.


"Me lady?"

She smiled. "Call me Orlaith."

"As you wish." There was a knock at the door. The pair exchanged a look, but before they could move, Briana entered. The scene she found wasn't what she was expecting. With a gasp, she hurried over to Trian and placed a gentle hand on the bump that was forming.

Glaring at her cousin, she demanded, "What have you done with him?" Donngal and Rowen look at each other.

At the same time, they said. "I have an idea." He motioned her to explain.

"Briana, she be the leverage we need."


"Keep her locked up in her room until he awakes."

Briana stared at them with scared eyes. "You canna do this. I be your kin."

Looking at her with disgust tinged with anger, Rowen said, "You planned me murder. You should be grateful for anything less than death." Donngal helped his sister to her feet and escorted her from the room, shutting the door behind them. After side-stepping around the body, she took a seat at her desk. With an occasional glance at the unmoving form, she began to write a paper. When the body began to twitch, she got up and put her sword on his chest. His flicked open then shut and he let out a groan.

Rowen gave him a charming smile. "I have an answer for you." Another moan escaped from his. lips. She handed him the document she had written. His eyes ran over it taking the general idea of it.

He let out a short laugh which turned into a cough "You be expecting me to sign this?"

"You be the one who wanted to unite the two clans. Why not sign an alliance?"

"Because I can get the same thing on me own terms."

"Is that so? Perhaps you be familiar with me cousin, Briana."

He struggled to stand, but felt the sword and stopped. "What have you done with her?"

"Nothing, yet."

Being careful not to move too fast, he pushed himself into a sitting position. "You be bluffing. Briana be fine."

"Do you really want to take that chance?"

There was a silence as he thought over his options. "Give me the wax." Rowen handed him a lump she had already softened. He put the paper on the ground, placed the wax on it and pressed his signet ring into it. "Good. Now to make this agreement stronger you will marry Briana. Come with me." Keeping her sword on his shoulder they walked to Briana's room. Donngal was outside to make sure no one entered and found his sister bound and gagged. When he caught sight of them, he asked, "Did he agree?"

"Aye." After ushering Lord Munster into the room, they untied Briana and told her what was happening.

It was an odd wedding. The groom had a purple bruise the size of a goose's egg. By his side stood a bride with traces of tears still on her face. As Rowen performed the ceremony as ruler of the Clan, Donngal wrote the marriage agreement. After she finished, the couple both signed it. With a knife, Rowen cut a small triangle on Briana's hand and inked it. The wound was covered and in a few days would heal with the ink inside completing the marriage diamond. A servant was sent to saddle two horses. The newlyweds were accompanied to the stables and when their mounts were ready, they left. 

Before they were out of sight, Ailen appeared. "Do either of you know where Briana be? I canna find her anywhere." 

Donngal pointed at the distant figures. "That be her riding away with her new husband." 

The color drained from his face. "Husband?"

Oblivious to the man's anguish, he replied, "Aye, the Lord Trian of Munster."

"I see." He nodded his head and turned away, slowly walking back to his room. Rowen saw a tear hovering on the edge of his eye. She wanted to comfort him somehow, but no words came to her.

Realization dawned on Donngal. "He be in love with her?"

"Aye." She sighed. "Or at least he may believe that he be." There was a pause, as both were lost in their own thoughts.

Donngal cleared his throat. "Oh, Orlaith, I be wondering if you could perform another marriage ceremony."

She smiled. "At last! You asked Eileen?"

"Aye. She be here now, will you do it?"

"Of course. I be so happy for you. For both of you."

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